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 General purpose packet request function for Netware APIs
      _fnReq( nService, cRequest, @cReply ) -> nRetVal

     <nService> - the Netware API service number, in decimal (not hex!)
     <cRequest> - the request packet, without length word
     <cReply>   - the reply packet, without length word
                  (MUST BE PASSED BY REFERENCE!)

     Most request and reply packets must have a length word prepended
     to the packet.   FN_REQ() supplies these length words!  Do not
     put your own length word on the front of either packet or the
     call will fail miserably.


     <cReply> will be filled in with the reply packet if the call
     succeeds.  The length word (the first two bytes of the string)
     will be removed.

     <nRetVal> will be the value of register AH, which in most cases
     holds a return code that you can use to check whether or not your
     call succeeded.

     This function calls interrupt 21 using the Nanforum Toolkit's
     ft_int86().  If the call to ft_int86() fails, fn_error() is
     set with the EINT86 error code.  If the ft_int86() succeeds,
     fn_error() is set to the value of register AL, which is often
     a completion code for Netware APIs.




 Author: API Group

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