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 FN_AND()         Perform a bitwise AND
 FN_BIN2HEX()     Convert a binary string to hexidecimal
 FN_BIN2I()       Convert a binary string to numeric
 FN_CLRBIT()      Clear a bit in a number
 FN_ERROR()       Return current error status for a Netware Library function
 FN_HEX2BIN()     Convert a hexidecimal string to to binary
 FN_I2BIN()       Convert an integer to binary string
 FN_IPXINIT()     This function gets the entry address for the IPX interface.
 FN_IS3X()        Is the current server a 3.x server?
 FN_ISBIT()       Determine if a specified bit is set
 FN_ISNET()       Determine if user is on functioning NetWare node
 FN_NAMEL()       General purpose string to length+string packet function
 FN_NEG()         Calculate the two's complement of a number
 FN_NONULL()      Strip a string of trailing nulls
 FN_NOT()         Perform a bitwise NOT on an integer
 FN_OR()          Perform a bitwise OR
 FN_PEEKSTR()     Read a string of bytes from memory
 FN_PFEVAL()      Set preferred server and eval block
 FN_POKESTR()     Write a string of bytes to memory
 FN_ROL()         Rotate bits in an integer to the left
 FN_ROR()         Rotate bits in an integer to the right
 FN_SETBIT()      Set a bit in a number
 FN_SHL()         Shift the bits in an integer to the left
 FN_SHR()         Shift the bits in an integer to the right
 FN_SSFROMP()     Remove the file server name from a path string
 FN_TOGBIT()      Toggle a bit in a number
 FN_XOR()         Perform a bitwise exclusive OR
 FT_ISWAP()       Swap the bytes in a two byte integer
 FT_LSWAP()       Reverse the bytes in a 4 byte long integer.
 _FNREQ()         General purpose packet request function for Netware APIs
 _FNSETERR()      Set the current Netware Library error status

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson