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       fn_pfConID() -> nConnectionID



      The Connection ID of the preferred file server, or 0 if the
      preferred server is not set.


      This function determines the currently set preferred server.  The
      preferred server is the default server to which request packets are
      sent.  Whenever the shell constructs a request packet, if it does
      not have enough information to determine which file server should
      receive the packect (i.e., a drive specification), it will direct
      the packets to the current preferred file server.  If the preferred
      file server is 0 (unspecified), the packets will be directed to the
      file server that services the current default drive.

      NOTE:  The preferred Connection ID is reset to 0 (unspecified) by
      the shell when an End of Job (EOJ) is done for a terminating
      process, or the EOJ is made.

      Preferred, Default and Primary Servers

      NetWare uses the terms default, preferred and primary to prioritize
      the servers that a user is logged in to.  The question they deal
      with is essentially, "What server gets the information I'm sending

      The preferred server bears the highest priority for shell requests.
      A preferred server must be explicitly appointed by the workstation
      with fn_sPfCID().  Once appointed, that server receives all
      requests until the preferred server is changed.

      If there is no preferred server, the default server is mapped with
      the default drive.  For example, if the default drive is F: and
      drive F: is mapped to FS1, _AND_ there is NO preferred server
      defined, the file server FS1 is the default server.

      If the current drive is a local drive, the primary server is used.
      The primary server is the lowest conneciton priority of the 3
      server types and is usually the server the shell first attached to
      when it was started.  The primary server is used only if the
      default drive is set to a local drive and there is no preferred
      file server.


      nPrefSvr := fn_pfConID()                  // determine pref'rd server


 Author: Steve Larsen

See Also: fn_connID() fn_sPfConID() fn_prConID() fn_defCID fn_EOJ()
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