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       fn_EOJ( [ <lProcesses> ] ) -> NIL

      <lProcesses> is a logical indicating whether the EOJ applies to
      all processes on the workstation (.T.) or to the current process
      only.  If omitted the default is .F..


      Nothing.  Any errors can be detected with fn_error().


      This function cause an EndOfJob (EOJ) command to be sent to the
      file server and causes the shell to reset all internal tables for
      the application.  The EOJ at the file server releases all resources
      (open files, file and record locks, logical locks, semaphores, etc.)
      allocated on the file server to the current task.

      A program may issue this call whenever the need arises to reset the
      network environment to a beginning-of-program state with no files
      or records logged or locked.  After issuing this call, a station
      must not use any files without first reopening, relogging and
      relocking them.

      NOTE:  The shell automatically generates the same EOJ action when
      an application terminates, and control returns to COMMAND.COM
      (all resources allocated to all tasks on the workstation are
      released, same as setting <lProcesses> == .T.).


      /* close all active files, locks and network resources */

      fn_EOJ( .T. )


 Author: Steve Larsen

See Also: fn_setEOJ()
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson