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   This command informs dbReport that fields declarations of the fields
   to be used in the report are following.  The names of these fields
   must match the names as defined in the Data Dictionary array passed
   to dbReport. You are not required to declare all the fields passed to
   dbReport, only those you will be using.

     FirstName     01
     LastName      02
     Street        03
     City          04
     Province      05
     Country       06
     Married       07   [Married/Single]
     HiredDate     08   [MON DD, YY]

   The numbers following the field names are not required, they are
   there for reference only.  The fields in the actual format of the
   report are referred to by number.  Having the number here makes it
   easier when setting up the report format.

   For logical and date fields you can also define a mask that will
   determine how the output for that field will look.  The mask must be
   enclosed in the "[" and "]" characters.

   For a logical field you can define the output for a TRUE or FALSE
   condition.  The definitions for the true and false strings must be
   separated by a "/".

     Married     [Yes/No]
     Married     [Married/Single]
     InStock     [In Stock/Out of Stock]

     Other possibilities include (but are not limited to);

   For a date field you can define the format to display the date value.

     HiredDate     [DD/MM/YY]
     HiredDate     [DD MON YYYY]
     HiredDate     [DAY MONTH DD, YYYY]

   If any of the following strings are found in a date mask they will be
   converted in the following manner.  All other characters will be
   printed as is (as in the case of the "/", ",", and space).

   YYYY  - Full year                  (1992, 1993, etc.)
   YY    - Last two digits of year    (92, 93, etc.)
   MONTH - Full month                 (January, February, etc.)
   MON   - Abbreviation of month      (Jan, Feb, etc.)
   MM    - Month in digits            (01, 02, etc.)
   DD    - Date                       (29, 30, 31, etc.)
   DAY   - Full day                   (Monday, Tuesday, etc.)
   DA    - Abbreviation of day        (Mon, Tue, etc.)

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson