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   This command informs dbReport that variable declarations are
   following. Variables are declared along with the calculations to be
   performed to calculate the variable.

     * variables using functions
     TotalCost  := SUM Cost
     TotalItems := TALLY
     * variables using expressions
     PST        := Cost * 0.08
     GST        := Cost * 0.07
     * variables using consants
     PSTRate    := 0.08
     GSTRate    := 0.07

   Although variable expressions can be calculated using fields,
   variables or constants they cannot include functions.  Variable
   expressions can use brackets "()" and the "+-/*" operations.  Fields,
   variables, operators and brackets must be separated by at least one

     WierdValue := ( Age + 2.43 ) * ( Cost / 0.27 )

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson