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                         .. First steps (2) ..

  This chapter includes samples how to work with dB-Tools. You can try the
  same with your own data.
  I trust that this small indroduction, you gives you a general idea of the
  possibilities of dB-Tools.

The functions

  1)  - Move the ligth field with the cursor to all sides and press
        PgDown/Up key or or Ctl+Pgdwn/Up etc.
        This way you can move between field and data.

  2)  - Move with the cursor-key to the first left field (NR)

  3)  - Press key combination Alt+I (Index). All the numbers (field
        no) are sorted.

  4)  - Press key combination Alt+L (Filter). A question box appears.
        Type the following text: "NUMBER=1"
        Only data Number=1 will appear.

  5)  - Press Alt+C (Close)  index and filter will be closed.

  6)  - With enter-key you can edit any actuel field.

  7)  - With Ctl+Enter or F8 (Get-Modus) you can edit any actuel
        With Escape, F8 or again Ctl+Enter, you return to browse-modus.

  8)  - Press F5 (Zoom)
        Window is zooming. By pressing again F5 the window return to
        original size.

  9)  - Press F9 or Alt+D (Ms-Dos).
        A dos-window is opened. (Under your browse-window) in which you can
        insert directly all your dos-commands.

  10) - Press Tab-key and return to browse-window (with dBase-datas).

  11) - Move the lightfield to NR field and press F3 or Alt+S (Search).
        Type 2 and it is looking for no. 2 in the data.
        When dB-Tools found number 3, press Alt+N (next) and immediately
        appears the next 3.

See Also: First steps (3) First steps (1)
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