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                         .. first steps (1) ..

  This chapter includes samples how to work with dB-Tools. You can dry the
  same with your own data.
  I trust that this small indroducton, you gives you a general idea of the
  possibilites of dB-Tools.

the data

  1)  - change in dB-Tools directory. (with the data db.exe)

  2)  - Start dB-Tools with DB DEMO1.
        The monitor appears a window with the data demo1.dbf.
        On the upper line of the programm are all dB-Tools-menus.
        "File  /Option  /Utilities  /Window  /Help  " 
        You can call then up with Alt+F, Alt+O or Alt+U 
        Alt+W, Alt+M, Alt+H  .
        the last line is 'help-balk' with describe all 'important keys'.

  3)  - Press key F2. that opens a index window. You can load another
        data with enter-key.
        Press the plus-key (+), and type *.dbf. You recive all data with
        .dbf endigns.

  4)  - Move the balk (with the cursor-key) to the data DEMO2.DBF
        and press enter-key.
        A second window will appear with data of demo2.dbf.
        Repeat same steps and load additionly data DEMO2.TXT.

  5)  - Press shift and tab - key (or only tab ). You can switch
        between windows and datas. On window with .dbf data you need only the

  6)  - Switch to the first data Demo1.dbf.

See Also: First steps (2) First steps (3)
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson