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 Set the colours for List Boxes.


     @ SetLBColors( [<cNewColors>] ) --> <cOldColors>


     <cNewColors> is an optional colour specification string.
     This string may have up to 7 color specifications as follows:

                1 - Border & background colour - GET unselected
                2 - Border & background colour - GET selected
                3 - Border & background colour - GET unavailable
                4 - Unselected data items - GET selected
                5 - Selected data items - GET selected
                6 - Unselected data items - GET unselected
                7 - Selected data items - GET unselected.

     Default: "W/N, W+/N, W/N, W/N, N/W, W/N, W/N"


     <cOldColors> - The colour specification string on entry.


     This function is used to set the default colours for List Boxes.

 Files:  Library is CUACLIP.LIB.

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson