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 Set or get the FLUSH key (finish the READ).


     SetFlushKey( [<nKey>] ) --> <nFlushKey>


     <nKey> is the scan code value of the key to use as the flush key.

     <nFlushKey> is the current key.


     SetFlushKey() always returns the current flush key value.


     SetFlushKey() is used to set or fetch the current flush key (exit READ).
     The flush key when hit while in a READ, will check all VALID clauses on
     all current GETs.  If any fail the READ is is not exited and the first
     failed GET is placed in focus.  If no GETs fail, the READ is exited and
     the LastKill() function is set to FALSE.

     SetFlushKey() by default is K_F10.  Setting SetFlushKey() to 0
     turns its use off.

 Files:  Library is CUACLIP.LIB.

See Also: DEMO.PRG
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson