[^^Up^^] [Menu] [About The Guide]
                         . . .   OVERVIEW   . . .
 The CUA-Clip libraray is a collection of functions and commands which when
 combined allows the programmer to build programs to be as SAA compliant as
 possible.  To accomplish this there are a number of features supported that
 are not in the basic CA-Clipper library.  The areas affected by this library
 are: menus, gets, browsers, events, mouse and a collection of miscellaneous
 features.  The core to the library is the mouse interface and the event
 (mouse and key collection) system.

            THIS RELEASE IS FOR CA-CLIPPER 5.01, 5.01a AND 5.2
 The MENU SYSTEM:         Menu prompts, pulldowns and pullouts...
 The GET SYSTEM:          Standard, button, check boxes and radio buttons...
 The BROWSER SYSTEM:      DBF and array browsing...
 The EVENT SYSTEM:        Setting and retrieving events (key and mouse)...
 The MOUSE SYSTEM:        Mouse shapes and handling...
 Miscellaneous:           Miscellaneous functions...
                  Thank you for choosing the CUA-Clip libaray.

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson