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 Get or set the Message() color.


     SetMessColor( [<cColor>] ) --> <cCurrentColor>


     <cColor> is an optional color pair representing the forground/background
     of the MESSAGE directive in menus and GETs and the Message() function.


     SetMessColor() always returns the current color pair setting.


     SetMessColor() is the set/get function used to get the current color
     used by the Message() function and optionally set it to a new value.


     LOCAL cOldMessColor := SetMessColor( "W+/R" ) // save the old message
                                                   // color and set it to
                                                   // bright white on red

     // some code

     // set the color back to the original when done
     SetMessColor( cOldMessColor )

 Files:  Library is CUACLIP.LIB.

See Also: Message() EX1.PRG DEMO.PRG
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson