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 Reset the STDBrowse() with a new set of data.


     TB_Reset( <oBrowse>, <xSeekVal>, <bEmpty> ) --> NIL


     <oBrowse> is the current browse object.

     <xSeekVal> is the new data key to be used by STDBrowse().  As in the
     example above we would call TB_Reset() passing down "BC" as the

     <bEmpty> is the ERROR handling codeblock used when no data is available
     for the specified <xSeekVal>.  It must return a TRUE for the STDBrowse()
     to continue or FALSE to abort.


     TB_Reset() is used to reset the current STDBrowse() with a new
     data set in the current database.  As an example, the current data base
     indexed on province code with the current set limited to "ON" can be
     changed to "BC".

 Files:  Library is CUACLIP.LIB.

See Also: STDBrowse() TB_Seek() TB_NextKey() TB_SetRefresh() TB_Menu()
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson