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 (USERS) Display Users

 Subcommands:  (search text)

               (search text) is any text that you want to search for.
               You could for example, search for a name or a part of a
               name or a city or state.

 Description:  Displays the user name, location and last date on for
               all users that have access to the current conference.

               Alternatively, you can enter search criteria to limit
               your search to only those users or locations that match
               the criteria.


   * USERS <enter>

     Display all users that are registered in the current conference.

   * USERS David <enter>

     Display all users have the name "David" in their record.

   * USERS Utah <enter>

     Display all users that have "Utah" in their record.

   * USERS David & Utah <enter>

     Display all users that have the name "David" who are in "Utah".

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson