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                Examples of using boolean (and / or) searching

 There are numerous places where PCBoard will ask you for some kind of
 search criteria for the text you want to scan.  In those areas you can
 simply type in a word or phrase or you may create much more complex
 searches by using boolean logic symbols in your request.

 The symbols "&" and "|" can be used to mean AND and OR respectively.
 In addition you can combine criteria using parenthesis to denote the
 grouping of the search.

 The rules below apply at any prompt given where PCBoard wants you to
 tell it what to scan for so the following rules can be used whether
 you are scanning through the message base, the download directories,
 the users file or the caller logs.

 Multiple words making up a sentence or phrase:
 PCBoard version 14.5

 Searches for the words "PCBoard version 14.5" all together in a line

 Multiple words searching for each word separately:
 PCBoard | Qmodem | Procomm

 Searches for any text having either PCBoard OR Qmodem OR Procomm
 anywhere in the text.

 Multiple words searching for each word separately requiring ALL to match:
 PCBoard & Qmodem & Procomm

 Searches for any text having ALL THREE words but not necessarily in
 any order or even next to each other.

 Using parenthesis for grouping:
 DESQview & (PCBoard | Qmodem)

 Searches for any text having DESQview in it AND having either PCBoard
 OR Qmodem also in the same text in any order and not necessarily

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson