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 (D)ownload a File

 Subcommands:  (filename 1) (filename 2) (filename 3) (protocol) (gb or bye)

               (filename) any valid DOS filename may be used and more than
                          one filename may be entered if you choose to use a
                          BATCH protocol for the file transfer

               (protocol) is a letter from A-Z of the protocol desired
                          based on the protocols available

               (gb)       Either (gb) or (bye) may be entered on the command
               (bye)      line to indicate that you want the system to hang
                          up after it finishes the file transfer

 Description:  Allows transferring a file from the system being called to
               your machine.

               There can be up to 26 different types of protocols available.
               If you have not previously set a default protocol for the
               system you are calling, you will be asked for the protocol
               type each time you request a download.

               Ascii protocol transfers are only available on non-binary text
               files.  Filenames which have extensions of .EXE, .ARC, .COM,
               .WKS, etc.  can not be downloaded using Ascii protocol.

               Due to the wide range of protocols now available, it is
               suggested you check with the Sysop of this system if you have
               a question on which protocols have been implemented and how
               to properly set your software protocols to match those of this

 Files:        Filenames do not need to be typed in completely in order for
               the system to locate the desired file.  A default filename
               extension is usually provided by the Sysop such as ".ZIP" so
               that if you request a file called TEST it will first search to
               see if a file called TEST.ZIP can be located and if not it
               will search for TEST and send which ever file it finds.

               In some cases this default extension can make it difficult to
               download a desired file.  For instance, if both TEST and
               TEST.ZIP exist on the system then typing "D TEST" will always
               result in downloading TEST.ZIP.  To download the file called
               TEST in this instance you would need to type TEST followed by
               a period with no extension like this:

                        D TEST.

               You may also locate files for download by using the * and ?
               wildcard characters - the same as those used by DOS to
               specify files.  See the examples below.

 Downloads:    Some protocols allow you to download more than one file at a
               time.  Examples of this are the Ymodem and Ymodem/G protocols.
               Downloading more than one file at a time requires that you
               select a batch protocol on both your end and the host end of
               the connection.

               To select more than one file you must either enter (DB) as
               your download command or on the command line simply type more
               than one filename.  See the examples below.

 Examples:     D TEST          - downloads TEST using the default protocol
               D TEST X        - downloads TEST using the Xmodem protocol
               D TEST1 TEST2 Y - downloads both TEST1 & TEST2 using Ymodem
               D TEST? G       - downloads both TEST1 & TEST2 using Ymodem/G
               D TEST*.*       - downloads any file starting with TEST

See Also: (F)ile (L)ocate (N)ew (T)ransfer (Z)ippy
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson