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 (T)ransfer Protocol

 Subcommands:  (A-Z)

               (A-Z) is a valid protocol defined to that system

 Description:  Allows setting of a default transfer protocol.  The choices of
               protocols available will vary from system to system based on
               the protocols which the system operator has enabled.  A
               default of (N)one can also be entered, in which case you will
               be asked to specify the protocol type each time you begin
               either an upload or download from the system.  If you specify
               a value here, it will be used as the default each time you
               request a file transfer.  However, this default can be
               over-ridden at the time of a file transfer request by
               including the protocol desired as a separate entry on the same
               line as the filename is entered.  (i.e. (filename) (F) would
               over-ride any default here as specifying 1K-Xmodem Full-Flow

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson