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 (FLAG) Files for Download

 Subcommands:  (filename 1) (filename 2) (filename 3) etc

               (filename) is the name of the file to be downloaded.  Multiple
                          names can be stacked on the same line and wildcards
                          may be used in the name.

 Description:  The FLAG command is used to flag files or groups of files for
               later download.  For instance, you may be busy looking at a
               list of download files and find some that you want to download
               but don't wish to download them that very moment.  Rather than
               having to write down the name or try to remember it later you
               can simply tell the system to flag the file and remember it
               for you.

               To download the files that are flagged you would then issue a
               (D)ownload command at which point the system will ask you
               if you want to download the files that were flagged.
               Answering NO will cause the system to forget the files that
               were flagged.


   * FLAG test1

     Functioning the same as the download command, this command will first
     check to see if TEST1.<ext> exists where <ext> is the default extension
     for the system you are on.  For example, it will see if TEST.ZIP exists
     and if not it will attempt to flag TEST instead.

   * FLAG file1 file2 file3

     Flags all three files for download.

   * FLAG file*.txt

     Flags any files matchin file*.txt for later download.

See Also: (D)ownload
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson