Lean to Crack
by Ignatz
Number 1 : Generals explained with MP3 Wolf

Ok people. First of all I´d like to say that I do not want to support any illegal action with this tutorial. It´s just for educational purpose. It should help you to undestand what´s going on in a PC any why things are the way they are. You should also get an idea of what good craking is about and be able to recognize genaral patterns used by many programs. If you want to use the software beyond it´s trial-status then there´s only one way. This way is to buy it. After doing and understanding the crack you should buy or delete the software. Because cracking isn´t neccessarilly illegal. It´s a way having fun and it´s a real good feeling when you´re done with a hard program. Believe me.

So, if you do not think the same or if you were too stupid to find an exe crack and just want to crack it by my tutorial, then I´d like you to go to bed, take a nap, think about ethical cracking, your life, things you archieved and how did it, love, hate, ignorance, of course Roadrunner and Koyote and come back with the wish to learn and understand. Repeat this part until you feel you are the kind of person having the wish to seek for knowledge bestowed upon.

Well, let´s get started. First let´s say somethig about tools. Having good tools is the most important thing for being a good cracker. You will never ever become an average one with the wrong tools. So this is the list of standard must-have tools (we´ll also need for this program.)

MP3Wolf: the target program  MP3 for Windows 95
Win32 Disassambler: A very fine Disassambler with loads of useful options and a nice interface. (writers choice)
Soft ICE: A runtime debugger. The tool you nearly can´t live without. (writer´s choice)
HView: great Hex-Text-Assembler in one editor. (wirter´s choice)
Registry Monitor: a useful program telling you which registry files were looked up during the start of a program or it´s execution

where to get them:
   The cracking palace
   CrackZ's Tool Shop
   Flu[X]/PC98's Homepage

After getting the tools and having a look around the pages we should now start to find out something about our target program. The first thing to do is reading the help and manual of the program. Also, look for keywords such as register or ordering. Get familiar with the software and see if you can find out what restrictions there are for the demo-version. We´ll need this to find out if our crack really works, or if just stopped the beggar-off screen.

So the things I found interesting are:

(1) Unregistered Version Restrictions

    If you have not yet registered, you will have cause to despair, for you will not be able to utilise the full potential of this product. There
    are a number of restrictions in the Unregistered version.

        You will be not be able to restart searches and will thus loose the benefit of previous sessions.

        Report files will display and Play advertisements for recording artists, and you will not be able to automatically disable the Audio

        The maximum number of concurrent connections is restricted to 10.
        The maximum number of files you will be able to index is restricted.

    If you have not done so already, please register your copy. You will find it most worth while.

(2) licence agreement

Then visit the homepage and look what you can find.
After all this it´s time to figure out if there´s something interesting reffering to registries at the startup. Therefor we launch RegMon and set the filteroption to M*, so we only get the requests from MP3-Wolf. If you want you can also disable the filter.

0 Mwolf32 QueryValueEx HKCU\Control Panel\Desktop\SmoothScroll NOTFOUND
1 Mwolf32 QueryValueEx HKCU\Control Panel\Mouse\MouseHoverTime NOTFOUND
2 Mwolf32 OpenKey HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\CommAlias NOTFOUND
3 Mwolf32 OpenKey HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\SessionManager\KnownVxDs NOTFOUND
4 Mwolf32 QueryValueEx 0xC92215E0\URL NOTFOUND
 Starting MP3 Wolf it looks up for these things. Too bad! Even if we didn´t find anything of big interest here, but we should always do this. When cracking other programs it might bring valuable information to check it´s registry attempts. Ok so now after we started the Wolf let´s see if we can register by chance, and what happends if we fail in our attempt.

We gat an ugly Messagebox saying "Invalid Registration Name or Serial Number". That´s very good because we do need some clues to look after in Win32Disassambler (W32Dasm) which we start right now. We open a file to disassamble -the MWolf32.exe file. Then we search for this very interesting string "Invalid Registration Name or Serial Number", because we hope, that the target program prepares the string for the output and, much more important, that this happens near the compare of the Serial. After searching we really find it. This is the first time we know we´re on the right way but it´s still much to learn. This is a very common way to find the interesting areas in the disassambled file. Find an interesting string in the target program and search for it in the disassambled mess. Let´s take a look at what we found.

:00403541 E8DC9D0000              call 0040D322               This seems to be the call where the Serial is compared
:00403546 59                                 pop ecx                          The Registration Name is stored in ecx
:00403547 85C0                            test eax, eax                    Let´s test the result
:00403549 59                                 pop ecx                          The Registration serial is stored in ecx
:0040354A 7518                            jne 00403564                 Jump and continue if Serial is good else continue without jump
:0040354C 6A30                           push 00000030

* Possible StringData Ref from Data Obj ->"Invalid Registration"
:0040354E 68245B4100              push 00415B24             Prepare text for Messagebox

* Possible StringData Ref from Data Obj ->"Invalid Registration Name or Serial "
:00403553 68F85A4100              push 00415AF8             Prepare text for Messagebox
:00403558 53                               push ebx

* Reference To: USER32.MessageBoxA, Ord:0195h
:00403559 FF1570544200            Call dword ptr [00425470] Open Messagebox

Very good. At this point we can be quite sure, that we found the right place in the file. Very typical is the
"Call ... test eax ... jne XXXX" section. This is a very common protection scheme. But more important is, that the Jump decides if you go the Message box or not. It therefore is the deciding jump.
General Assembler explanaiton:
(1) push: this command saves a value by putting, pushing it onto the Stack-memory.
(2) pop: this command gets the first value of the so called stack-memory.
(3) call: it´s if there´s a part in the program which is used many times it´s more comfortable to write it down one time and then refeering it with a call. You can compare it with a refrain in a song. The refrain is only written once and then you get something like refrain afterwards. It´s the same with the call. Call tells the program to go to a location where it finds the next instructions and return after doing these.
(4) jne: Jump if not equal. This jump is made if the zeroflag is not set.
(5) Jumps: Jumps put you to an other location in code. For example if you make a test and it says " if you are male then continue else go to question 10.." it´s a jump. You won´t get back to the jump as you would do it with a call.

For the ones of you  who were just interested in the crack we´re done now because you just have to change the jne in je.

Let´s continue now. But first we have to remember the location we´re interested in that is the place of the call at address :00403541. This will be important for our furrther actions. So everyone please start MP3 again and go to the registry dialog. After filling in a name and a serial we can now start SoftICE by pressing Shift+D. Now we have to set a breakpoint so that we stop bevor the Messagebox. A very powerful breakpoint is hmemcpy. Others are getwindowtexta, getdlgitemtexta, messagebox, showwindow, enablewindow and there are plenty others. Normally you have to try some of them but we´ll get a good result if we take getdlgitemtexta. All we have to do is type bpx getdlitemtexta in SofiICE. After doing this we get back in Windows by preesing F5. Now we press the OK button in the registry dialog. Now you should see yourselves back in SoftICE. It was called by the breakpoint. Actually you have two Input boxes. So it seems reasonable that the program gets the input two times. Once the Serial once the Name. The getdlgitemtexta just gets one input at a time so we´ll have to wait until the second input is grabbed. We just continue the program by pressing F5 again and, allright, stop again at the getdlgitemtexta. Why all this breakpoint stuff? What do we need it for? Do you remember the pert in Win32Dasm? We found the call...test...jump section. Now we want to use this knowledge and see what happens. We want to see it live on SoftICE. All we have to do therefore is to set the preakpoint on the address we figured out. BUT we must be in the Process of MP3Wolf. Otherwise we´d set the breakpoint in a wrong process, where it´s useless for us. To get to the Wolf-process we need this getdlgitemetexta. Now at this breakpoint we are in a process called by the WolfProcess. So not exactly in the Process we needed. But by pressing F12 we continue the program until we are at the that position that called this part of code. So we´ll get right after a call.
:00433301 call 004140ee
:00433304 push eax
the address of the call:
:004140ee push edi
:004140f1 test ecx,ecx
: 0041434 ret                  this returns to the next line after the call. Here it is 00433304.
If you press F12 somewehre between 004130ee and the ret (return) you´ll get to the push after the call. the next line after the call.
This is very helpfull because like this you can backtrace the calls until you find the call in the MP3WolfProcess. Here we can set our breakpiont and see what happends.

So after breaking in SoftICE the first time and pressing F5 we break into SoftICE again. Now we only need to press F12 one time until we´re in the MP3-WOlfprocess. Here we can set the breakpoint found with Win32Dasm by typing bpx 00403541 in SoftICE. The big advantage Win32Dasm gives us is that we know what we´re looking for. NOw continuing with F5 we stopp at the right position- the call..test..jump part. Now let´s see what happends live. After the call we check on eax which is zero. So we see, that the call sets the eax which is used in the test. For this reason we can say now that this call does the compare at least. Mybe it does the calculation too. For now press F10 we´ll care about the call later. Now we see the pop exc. Let´s make a right klick on it and choose the display option. Aha now you see the registration name. This hardens our thesis. F10 again. Next is the test eax which prepares the flags for the jump. Befor the jump we have pop exc again. Nosy as we are we also want to know what´s in there. Right mouseklick and then display again. Now it´s our fake serial we see. This makes it obvious that we found the call we were looking for. continue with F5.
Now let´s see what happends if we change the value in eax befor the test. So let´s disable the useless getdlgitemtexta breakpoints by pressing bd 0 (breakpointdisable 0) and reregister. We´ll break into SoftICE again at the call. after the call click an eax register and change it to 1. go on with F5. Well now we get the licence screen and press accept. We´re now asked to restart the program. After doing so we see that our registration failed. But with what we know so far we should be able to complete the crack unless it´s only a small way now and we´ll see much knowledge on both sides of it.
Till here it was just the normal cracking routine. We didn´t really laern much about the program and how it finds out wether you´re registered or not. But we know where to find the information. It´s in the call. Now we will start to reverse the program and learn. The thing we now want to do is to have a closer look at the call and understand what it does. Like this we also want to find out about the startup problem. We also want to keep the registry after the new start.
Let´s take some time and think about what the call could do, what it has to do?
First of all the call must compare the fake serial with the real serial. We just have to find out where and how. It then must store the result in eax in the end.
The call might also check the style of the serial and the username. If it finds that the serial is styled the wrong way it stops. For example if a serial has to look like xxx-xx-xxx and it doesn´t it can already drop us out. Why would it be useful to do this? On the one hand it speeds up the process because it skips the calculating routine. This is marginal and of no real use for the user, who normally logs in only once. In fact it makes life harder for the bad boys, because it´s keeping us away from the real compare of the serials. If a bad boy doesn´t know this, he get´s caught in this style-check, trying to find the real serial which isn´t there. This could take much time to realize and make a brute force guy give in. Another thing we could find in the call is some fake compares or some fake calculations. We must be careful in our choice which way to go if we want to be sucessful. Something we should also care for is a conversion of our User Name. It´s often upcased or downcaesd for example. (HaRt-->hart downcase) or some parts are changed or cut off or added. We´ll also look out for the calculating routine where the name is used to produce the real serial. These are the main things we could meet within the call. Well the programm is waiting for us.
Return to the call at :00403541 E8DC9D0000       call 0040D322and step into it by pressing F8. Her we see something like this.
* Referenced by a CALL at Addresses:
|:00403541   , :0040D2DD
:0040D322 55                      push ebp
:0040D323 8BEC                    mov ebp, esp
:0040D325 83EC30                  sub esp, 00000030
:0040D328 8B450C                  mov eax, dword ptr [ebp+0C]
:0040D32B 53                      push ebx
:0040D32C 56                      push esi
:0040D32D 57                      push edi
:0040D32E 85C0                    test eax, eax
:0040D330 0F840F010000            je 0040D445                         jump if no Name entered (eax=0)
:0040D336 8B5D08                  mov ebx, dword ptr [ebp+08]
:0040D339 85DB                    test ebx, ebx                                 jump if no Serial entered (eax=0)
:0040D33B 0F8404010000            je 0040D445
:0040D341 80384D                  cmp byte ptr [eax], 4D                eax has the serial stored, the first char has to be an M (=2d hex)
:0040D344 0F85FB000000            jne 0040D445                     +interesting that this and....
:0040D34A 80780157                cmp byte ptr [eax+01], 57        secondone ([eax+1]) has to be an W
:0040D34E 0F85F1000000            jne 0040D445                     + ...that jump go to the same place
:0040D354 6A13                    push 00000013
:0040D356 50                      push eax
:0040D357 8D45E4                  lea eax, dword ptr [ebp-1C]
:0040D35A 50                      push eax
:0040D35B E849A1FFFF              call 004074A9
:0040D360 83C40C                  add esp, 0000000C
:0040D363 8D45E4                  lea eax, dword ptr [ebp-1C]
:0040D366 6A2D                    push 0000002D
:0040D368 50                      push eax
:0040D369 E8120D0000              call 0040E080                      This Call checks the rest of the style. If it fails you won´t get to
:0040D36E 8BF0                    mov esi, eax                                 the serial compare.
:0040D370 59                      pop ecx
:0040D371 85F6                    test esi, esi
:0040D373 59                      pop ecx
:0040D374 89750C                  mov dword ptr [ebp+0C], esi
:0040D377 0F84C8000000            je 0040D445                        +See we got 40D445 here too
:0040D37D 802600                  and byte ptr [esi], 00                   The "-" is deleted
:0040D380 8D45F8                  lea eax, dword ptr [ebp-08]

* Possible StringData Ref from Data Obj ->"    "
:0040D383 68F87A4100              push 00417AF8
:0040D388 50                      push eax
:0040D389 E832060000              call 0040D9C0
:0040D38E 59                      pop ecx
:0040D38F 8D45F8                  lea eax, dword ptr [ebp-08]
:0040D392 59                      pop ecx
:0040D393 6A04                    push 00000004
:0040D395 53                      push ebx
:0040D396 50                      push eax
:0040D397 E834190000              call 0040ECD0                          The first 4 letters from the Name are taken and written in :0040D39C 8A45E4                  mov al, byte ptr [ebp-1C]             memory
:0040D39F 83C40C                  add esp, 0000000C
:0040D3A2 84C0                    test al, al
:0040D3A4 7427                    je 0040D3CD
.                                  |
:0040D41E 68F47A4100              push 00417AF4
:0040D423 8D45D0                  lea eax, dword ptr [ebp-30]
:0040D426 6A14                    push 00000014
:0040D428 50                      push eax
:0040D429 E872040000              call 0040D8A0                          generates real serial
:0040D42E 83C410                  add esp, 00000010
:0040D431 46                      inc esi
:0040D432 8D45D0                  lea eax, dword ptr [ebp-30]
:0040D435 56                      push esi
:0040D436 50                      push eax
:0040D437 E8740A0000              call 0040DEB0                        compares serials. sets eax=1 if bad; 0 if good
:0040D43C F7D8                    neg eax
:0040D43E 59                      pop ecx
:0040D43F 1BC0                    sbb eax, eax                                  sets eax = -1 if bad serial else (eax = 0)
:0040D441 59                      pop ecx
:0040D442 40                      inc eax                                              sets eax = 0  if bad serial (-1 + 1 = 0)
:0040D443 EB02                    jmp 0040D447

* Referenced by a (U)nconditional or (C)onditional Jump at Addresses:
|:0040D330(C), :0040D33B(C), :0040D344(C), :0040D34E(C), :0040D377(C)
:0040D445 33C0                    xor eax, eax

* Referenced by a (U)nconditional or (C)onditional Jump at Address:
:0040D447 5F                      pop edi
:0040D448 5E                      pop esi
:0040D449 5B                      pop ebx
:0040D44A C9                      leave
:0040D44B C3                      ret

Good. now we see all the interesting parts for us shortly explained. There are three parts.
(1) the Stylecheck
(2) the generation of the serial
(3) the compare
these are the last three points.
Then you should also be able to find the jump at the startup and change it. Try it to see if you know what we did in this tutorial.


This won´t take long.

:0040D341 80384D                  cmp byte ptr [eax], 4D          this compares the first char with M
:0040D344 0F85FB000000            jne 0040D445
:0040D34A 80780157                cmp byte ptr [eax+01], 57   this compares the first char with W
:0040D34E 0F85F1000000            jne 0040D445
:0040D366 6A2D                    push 0000002D                       this prepares "-" for the compare

so we see our serial has to begin with "MW-"
Info: 4D is hex for the char M
        57  is hex for the char W
        2D is hex for the char  -


visit:  Code Reversing for Beginners ! it´s great.

For any questions, advices and ratings eMail me: Ignatz_x_@hotmail.com.
PLEASE SEND ME RATINGS AND YOUR THOUGHTS. I´m thankful for your feedback.
Happy cracking
and have the best day