:00412610 53                          push ebx
:00412611 8B442414             mov eax, dword ptr [esp+14]
:00412615 0BC0                    or eax, eax
:00412617 7518                     jne 00412631
:00412619 8B4C2410            mov ecx, dword ptr [esp+10]
:0041261D 8B44240C           mov eax, dword ptr [esp+0C]
:00412621 33D2                    xor edx, edx
:00412623 F7F1                    div ecx
:00412625 8B442408            mov eax, dword ptr [esp+08]
:00412629 F7F1                    div ecx
:0041262B 8BC2                   mov eax, edx
:0041262D 33D2                   xor edx, edx
:0041262F EB50                   jmp 00412681

This is the last part of the keygeneration.
This call does the following. It takes the magic number calculated  with the Name, and devides it trough A (=10). The remainder is in the interval of 0..10 and is the serialnumber. The result is stored and then reused in the next step. An example will show you everything.
Th magic number was craeted by Ignatz and is 2FACE:
2FACE div A = 4C47... this is used in the next calculation
4C47 div A = 7A0... and so on
7A0 div A = C3
C3 div A = 13
13 div A = 1
1 div A = 0 ... this marks the end.
Now lets look at the remainders:
2FACE mod A = 8   (it´s all in hex. Don´t forget)
4C47 mod A = 7
7A0 mod A = 2
C3 mod A = 5
13 mod A = 9
1 mod A = 1 ... this marks the end.
Now reading the results starting with the last one we got we get 195278. This is the correct serial! Ok so now all we have to do is finding the call which calculates the magic number.
Howto find this section? Well one possibility is to see where in memory the realy serial is kept. To do this, you just need to take a look at the registers. If you see a suspicios call then rightclick the regs and see what they have inside. If it´s the serial then step throug the code again and watch the place in the memory where the serial will be stored.When it appears after a call you know, that you have to follow this call. Follow until you see the characters appearing one by one. Then you found the last part of the keygen. There are serveral other methods. Take a stroll around and read other tutorials to find them. Also try to develope your own methods.
GOOD LUCK! (caus I ain´t got the time to do this)
(Watch the push esi and a mov eax, esi befor the call described above)