Want to broaden your horison? Go for it!

Chose by Title:

Author : J. D. Burgermeister
Email : jdburgie@holly.colostate.edu
Language : english
Subject : Shakespeare
Title : Shrew
Grade : A
System : Colorado State University
Age : 33
Country : USA
Authors Comments : I think it was the format that got the grade...pictures, &c
Teachers Comments : Clearly, you had fun with this assignment.
Where I got Evil House of Cheat Address : Link from Term Paper Emporium
Date : 11/26/96

Author : Adam Tsekhman
Email :
Language : English
Subject : Shakespeare
Title : Revenge Conventions in Hamlet as compared to Elizabethan Conventions
Grade : 91%
System : Grade 12 High School
Age : 16
Country : Canada
Authors Comments : Excellent Essay
Teachers Comments : Very well done
Where I got Evil House of Cheat Address : Friends
Date : November 25, 1996

Author : -
Email : -
Language : English
Subject : Shakespeare
Title : Iago the Con
Grade : 90%
System : high school
Age : 17
Country : USA
Authors Comments : good paper on iago
Teachers Comments : Paper was well-researched.
Where I got Evil House of Cheat Address : link
Date : January, 1994

Author : Rob
Email :
Language : english
Subject : Shakespeare
Title : Clear Vision in King Lear
Grade : 90%
System : Independent School
Age : 17
Country : Canada
Authors Comments : It's a very well-written essay
Teachers Comments : It's one of the better Lear essay's he's received in the last few years
Where I got Evil House of Cheat Address : Word of mouth
Date : November 23, 1996

Author : Tom Shortledge
Email :
Language : english
Subject : Shakespeare
Title : King Lear
Grade : 85
System : High School
Age : 18
Country : US
Authors Comments :
Teachers Comments : good work. but you made some spelling mistakes
Where I got Evil House of Cheat Address : School Sucks
Date : 10/3

Author :
Email :
Language : english
Subject : Shakespeare
Title : hamlet
Grade : A
System :
Age : 24
Country :
Teachers Comments : A paper
Where I got Evil House of Cheat Address : search
Date : 11-23-96

Author : John Seng
Email :
Language : English
Subject : Shakespeare
Title : The Theme Of Blindness in King Lear
Grade : 24/30 80%
System : High School
Age : 18
Country : Canada
Authors Comments :
Teachers Comments :
Where I got Evil House of Cheat Address : Browsing
Date :

Author :
Email :
Language : English
Subject : Shakespeare
Title : The Role of the Supernatural in Shakespeare
Grade : 92
System : Public
Age : 17
Country : US
Authors Comments : -none-
Teachers Comments : excellent work, could've beem more in depth
Where I got Evil House of Cheat Address : net search
Date : May, 1992

Author : Charles Vine
Email :
Language : Ingles
Subject : Shakespeare
Title : El Muendo en Ingles
Grade : 90
System : Sangre de Christo en Nuevo Mexico
Age : 18
Country : Los Estados Unidos
Authors Comments :
Teachers Comments : Bien
Where I got Evil House of Cheat Address :
Date : El primero de marzo, 1996

Author : vlad Baydovskiy
Email : vladb@juno.com
Language : english
Subject : Shakespeare
Title : hamlet and King Lear
Grade : A
System : Private
Age : 18
Country : usa
Authors Comments : pretty good
Teachers Comments : Exelent
Where I got Evil House of Cheat Address : Search
Date : 11/11/96

Author : kristin Cleverly
Email :
Language : English
Subject : Shakespeare
Title : King Lear
Grade : 85%
System : High School
Age : 17
Country : Canada
Authors Comments : a personal essay
Teachers Comments : Exellent Essay
Where I got Evil House of Cheat Address : Excite.com
Date : 96\10\28

Author : Kristin Cleverley
Email :
Language : english
Subject : Shakespeare
Title : King Lear
Grade : 85%
System : High School
Age : 17
Country : Canada
Authors Comments : a personal essay
Teachers Comments : Excellent essay
Where I got Evil House of Cheat Address : excite.com
Date : 96\10\28

Author : Rick Thompson
Email :
Language : english
Subject : Shakespeare
Title : king lear
Grade : 85%
System : high school
Age : 18
Country : Canada
Authors Comments : a formal essay
Teachers Comments : Excelent essay
Where I got Evil House of Cheat Address : excite.com
Date : 96\10\28

Author : Paul-David Davey
Email :
Language : english
Subject : Shakespeare
Title : Agony of a Sensitive Man
Grade : A
System : College
Age : 20
Country : USA
Authors Comments : not bad
Teachers Comments :
Where I got Evil House of Cheat Address : term paper emporium
Date : 11-01-96

Author : mike
Email :
Language : english
Subject : Shakespeare
Title : Romeo and Juliet
Grade : 82%
System : high school
Age : 16
Country : Canada
Authors Comments : essay on the play Romeo and Juliet
Teachers Comments :
Where I got Evil House of Cheat Address : luck?
Date :

Author : Uri Cohen
Email :
Language : english
Subject : Shakespeare
Title : Structure of hamlet
Grade : 90
System : High School
Age : 16
Country : USA
Authors Comments :
Teachers Comments : EXcellent
Where I got Evil House of Cheat Address : luck
Date : 11\18\96

Author :
Email :
Language : english
Subject : Shakespeare
Title : supernatural effect in macbeth
Grade : 85
System : niagara university
Age : 20
Country : us
Authors Comments : good paper
Teachers Comments : excellant paper
Where I got Evil House of Cheat Address : yahoo
Date : 9-12-95

Author : Uri Cohen
Email :
Language : english
Subject : Shakespeare
Title : Structure of hamlet
Grade : 90
System : High School
Age : 16
Country : USA
Authors Comments :
Teachers Comments : EXcellent
Where I got Evil House of Cheat Address : luck
Date : 11\18\96

Author : Kevin Shen
Email :
Language : English
Subject : Shakespeare
Title : Jester, Clowns, Buffons, in Twelfh Night
Grade : Second Year University
System : University
Age : 20
Country : Canada
Authors Comments : Needs a bit of correction
Teachers Comments : C+, grammatical mistakes, needs more points on Malevolio as a buffon
Where I got Evil House of Cheat Address : yahoo
Date : 11/07/96

Author :
Email :
Language : English
Subject : Shakespeare
Title : Hamlet
Grade : 90%
System : High school
Age : 17
Country : U.S.A.
Authors Comments : Great summary of text
Teachers Comments : Superb insight and summary
Where I got Evil House of Cheat Address :
Date : 10/10/95

Author :
Email :
Language : English
Subject : Shakespeare
Title : Hamlet
Grade : 90%
System : High school
Age : 17
Country : U.S.A.
Authors Comments : Great summary of text
Teachers Comments : Superb insight and summary
Where I got Evil House of Cheat Address :
Date : 10/10/95

Author : david forum
Email :
Language : eng
Subject : Shakespeare
Title : othello
Grade : 4
System : canisius college
Age : 20
Country : us
Authors Comments :
Teachers Comments : excellant paper
Where I got Evil House of Cheat Address : yahoo
Date : 10-15

Author : Hayden Gaunt
Email :
Language : English
Subject : Shakespeare
Title : Macbeth - Describe the way in which Macbeth his wife changed
Grade : 85%
System : Secondary
Age : 16
Country : Australia
Authors Comments : not one of my best essays but it is still alright, not many quotes used
Teachers Comments : little colloqial (too much like speech)
Where I got Evil House of Cheat Address : from webcrawler
Date : May 1996

Author : Rp
Email :
Language : english
Subject : Shakespeare
Title : King Lear
Grade : 90%
System : high school
Age : 18
Country : U.S.
Authors Comments :
Teachers Comments : good content, very informative
Where I got Evil House of Cheat Address : Searching Yahoo tring to find an essay
Date : 11/14/96

Author : Nick Phillips
Email : pdp10@sover.net
Language : English
Subject : Shakespeare
Title : MacBeth essay
Grade : 90%
System : Salem Central
Age : 17
Country : US
Authors Comments : -
Teachers Comments : Fantastically written
Where I got Evil House of Cheat Address : Link
Date : 11-13-96

Author : Bob Jones
Email :
Language : English
Subject : Shakespeare
Title : Romeo And Juliet
Grade : 10
System : Secondary
Age : 15
Country : USA
Authors Comments : it's an ok essay
Teachers Comments : great
Where I got Evil House of Cheat Address : from friends
Date : 95 05 10

Author : Dave Lahna
Email :
Language : English
Subject : Shakespeare
Title : King Lear
Grade : B+
System : College
Age : 18
Country : U.S.A.
Authors Comments :
Teachers Comments : Good Thesis
Where I got Evil House of Cheat Address : Link on free papers
Date : 11/11/96

Author : Dave Lahna
Email :
Language : English
Subject : Shakespeare
Title : King Lear
Grade : B+
System : College
Age : 18
Country : U.S.A.
Authors Comments :
Teachers Comments : Great thesis
Where I got Evil House of Cheat Address : links
Date : 11/11/96

Author : Dave Lahna
Email :
Language : English
Subject : Shakespeare
Title : King Lear
Grade : B+
System : College
Age : 18
Country : U.S.A.
Authors Comments :
Teachers Comments : Great thesis
Where I got Evil House of Cheat Address : links
Date : 11/11/96

Author : Anonymous
Email :
Language : English
Subject : Shakespeare
Title : Othello - Iago : Distinct from what he pretends to be, Who is Iago?
Grade : 70%
System : University of British Columbia
Age : 19
Country : Canada
Authors Comments : ..
Teachers Comments : ..
Where I got Evil House of Cheat Address : Lycos
Date : 11/10/96 handed in 11/95

Author : Kyle Handrahan
Email :
Language : English
Subject : Shakespeare
Title : Deception in Shakespeare's MacBeth
Grade : 88%
System : Public
Age : 17
Country : Canada
Authors Comments : I HATE Shakespeare!!! I hope that I can help someone by making it easier for them.
Teachers Comments : Good job.
Where I got Evil House of Cheat Address : school sucks page, read the article about the two sites.
Date : April 18, 1996

Author : isaac
Email : isaacv@hotmail.com
Language : american_English
Subject : Shakespeare
Title : Comparing & Contrasting Hamlet, Laertes & Fortinbras in Shakespeare's Hamlet
Grade : 94%
System : High School--AP English
Age : 17
Country : usa
Authors Comments : not a bad paper-check it out
Teachers Comments :
Where I got Evil House of Cheat Address : schoolsucks.com newspaper link
Date : 11/12/96

Author : philip fisher
Email : nw2430-214@commnet.edu
Language : englih
Subject : Shakespeare
Title : othelllo
Grade : 8
System : wised
Age : 14
Country : usa
Authors Comments : ok paper
Teachers Comments : good tene
Where I got Evil House of Cheat Address : winsted paper
Date : 3-7-94

Author :
Email :
Language : English
Subject : Shakespeare
Title : Shakespeare: As I Like It
Grade : 83%
System : University
Age : 22
Country : Canada
Authors Comments : A personal point of view -- how shakespeare influences me
Teachers Comments : A sincere essay
Where I got Evil House of Cheat Address : Net Search
Date : October 8, 1996

Author : Ahmed Aziz
Email :
Language : English
Subject : Shakespeare
Title : Bob
Grade : 11
System : Peel Board of Education
Age : 16
Country : Canada
Authors Comments :
Teachers Comments : This sucks
Where I got Evil House of Cheat Address : I dont know
Date : I dont know

Author : Ahmed Aziz
Email :
Language : English
Subject : Shakespeare
Title : Bob
Grade : 11
System : Peel Board of Education
Age : 16
Country : Canada
Authors Comments :
Teachers Comments : This sucks
Where I got Evil House of Cheat Address : I dont know
Date : I dont know

Author : Ahmed Aziz
Email :
Language : English
Subject : Shakespeare
Title : Bob
Grade : 11
System : Peel Board of Education
Age : 16
Country : Canada
Authors Comments :
Teachers Comments : This sucks
Where I got Evil House of Cheat Address : I dont know
Date : I dont know

Author : Robert Pray
Email : Agnomen1@ix.netcom.com
Language : English
Subject : Shakespeare
Title : A Midsummer Night's Tragedy
Grade : 93%
System : High School
Age : 16
Country : U.S.A.
Authors Comments : I go to a Jesuit school. Hard as hell. you should ace this
Teachers Comments :
Where I got Evil House of Cheat Address : yahoo
Date : October 16,1996

Author : BJ Opp
Email :
Language : Englihs
Subject : Shakespeare
Title : Othello: and How others view him
Grade : A-
System : RIT
Age : 18
Country : USA
Authors Comments : it was a good paper
Teachers Comments : use more information on his wife and her feeling toward him throughout the play
Where I got Evil House of Cheat Address : Link from term paper search
Date : 11-1-96

Author : Peter Stavro
Email :
Language : english
Subject : Shakespeare
Title : Cassio Roderigo Barbantio and there functions
Grade : 87%
System : highschool
Age : 16
Country : canada
Authors Comments : had fun writing the essay gave, me a better understanding of characters
Teachers Comments : well written and good style.
Where I got Evil House of Cheat Address : friend
Date : 11/13/95

Author :
Email :
Language : English
Subject : Shakespeare
Title : An Analysis of the Opening of Canto XXVIII
Grade : A
System : College
Age : 18
Country : USA
Authors Comments :
Teachers Comments :
Where I got Evil House of Cheat Address : From Suck
Date : 4/96

Uploader : Bob Willliamson
Email : bobw@carolina-chat.com
Language : English
Subject : Shakespeare
Title : Hamlet: Shakespeare's Comment on the Human Perspective
Grade : 96
System : Tech. College
Age : 34
Country : USA
Comments : A look at one of the many themes of Shakespeare's Hamlet.
Where I got Evil House of Cheat Address : Yahoo
Date : March 8, 1995
Uploader : Brian Chung
Email : brianc@netvigator.com
Language : English
Subject : Hamlet -A Triagic Hero?
Title : Hamlet- the tragic Hero
Grade : 76
System : High School
Age : 14
Country : Hong Kong
Comments : some good ideas...but need more refinements
Where I got Evil House of Cheat Address : My friend
Date : 5th October 1996
Uploader : Andrew Fenn
Email : fennc@acr.net.au
Language : English
Subject : Shakespeare
Title : Richard Burbage
Grade : 69%
System : Highschool
Age : 14
Country : Australia
Comments : Needs illustration
Where I got Evil House of Cheat Address : Newspaper
Date : 09/01/96
Uploader :Elizabeth Farrell
Email : mjrolcik@fuse.net
Language : English
Subject : Shakespeare/English
Grade : 45/50 (90%)
Age : 15 (when turned in)
Comments : Shakespeare's Julius Caesar. A personal narrative style essay from Brutus' wife's POV. With Quotes.
Uploader : Ivan Matic
Email : ivan@namadgi.com
Language : English
Subject : Macbeth
Title : were the witches responsible for the course of action in the play
Grade : 78%
System : High School
Age : 15
Country : Australia
Comments : An essay about "were the witches responsible for the course of action in the play"
Where I got Evil House of Cheat Address : Alta Vista
Date : 12th August 1996
Uploader : jude cleveland
Email : jude654@aol.com
Language : english
Subject : honors english
Title : hamlet essay
Grade : 93%
System : high school, grade 12
Age : 17
Country : usa
Comments : is the exit of the king the turning point of hamlet? i think so.
Where I got Evil House of Cheat Address : search engine
Date : july 23
Uploader : matt potter
Email : mjpotter@unity.ncsu.edu
Language : English
Subject : Criticism
Title : "Man and Wife is One Flesh": Hamlet and the confrontation with the Maternal Body
Grade : 88%
System : High School
Age : 16
Country : United States
Comments : good essay analyzing a feminist criticism
Where I got Evil House of Cheat Address : found it
Date : August 12, 1994
Uploader : Maria Turk
Email : meriea@inco.com.lb
Language : English
Subject : Shakespeare
Title : Homosexuality in Shakespreare's Sonnets.
Grade : 90
System : University
Age : 18
Country : Lebanon
Comments : 18 page paper take care of it.
Where I got Evil House of Cheat Address : some hacker wedsite.
Date : 5/9/1996
Uploader : Mike Whang
Email : banzai@interpath.com
Language : English
Subject : Shakespears Review
Title : Critical Review of Midsummer Night's Dream
Grade : A
System : Win95
Age : 20
Country : USA
Comments : This is a review/analysis, complete with play summary, on Shakespeare's Midsummer Night's Dream
Where I got Evil House of Cheat Address : USENET Email
Date : X
Uploader : XPaul Rene
Email : Xpaulrene@ix.netcom.com
Language : XEnglish
Subject : XEnglish Literature
Title : XOthello
Grade : X89%
System : XCollege Junior year
Age : X28
Country :Usa X
Comments : XGood grade over 1250 words long and gives a certain look at Othello and how he was tricked.
Where I got Evil House of Cheat Address : internetX
Date : X3/8/93
Uploader : furtado
Email : sfurtadoj@sentex.netX
Language : englishX
Subject : englishX
Title : The maddness within HamletX
Grade : 83%X
System : High SchoolX
Age : 18X
Country : CanadaX
Comments : The inner thoughts about the state of mind of HamletX
Where I got Evil House of Cheat Address :search engine X
Date : thursday september 12 1996X
Uploader mhhd
Email mhhd@msn.com
Language English
Subject Shakespeare
Title Describe how the character of Antonio is revealed or developed throughout the Play
Grade 95%
System Middle School (Year 9)
Age 14
Country Australia
Comments Very good work. Great analysis and insights.
Where I got Evil House of Cheat Address Sydney Morning Herald Newspaper
Date 12 August 1996 (when handed in)
Uploader : James "Heart Attack" Evans
Email : riyadh@interlynx.net
Language : English
Subject : Shakesperian play essay
Title : Why Macbeth is a tragedy
Grade : 85%
System : High School (grade 11)
Age : 17
Country : Canada
Comments : Excellent
Where I got Evil House of Cheat Address : from School Sucks
Date : 9/29/96
Uploader: Steven Heard
Email: sheard@ldn2.execulink.com
Language: English
Subject: English
Title: An Examination of "Ensemble Scenes" in Shakespearean Comedy
Grade: 87%
System: High school
Age: 18
Country: Canada
Comments: A great essay that compares many Shakespearean works.
Date: Sun, 28 Apr 1996 22:16:30 -0400
Uploader: Patricia Syquia
Email: Red_Lantern@msn.com
Language: English
Subject: English--Shakespeare
Title: an analysis of a passage from Much Ado about Nothing
Grade: B+
System: -
Age: -
Country: usa
Comments: I wrote this the first semester of my freshman year in college. I was 18. It's a super-pretentious piece because I was trying to impress my professor. The sentence structure is embarassing to read now, and some words I took from the thesaurus without being sure exactly what they meant. If your teacher is big into verbosity, you might luck out with an A-. But more sensible teachers will just get annoyed by it. Despite the complex, sometimes indecipherable grammar though, I STILL think I had a good point.
Date: Tue, 30 Apr 96 03:39:45 UT
Uploader: Bo Nash
Email: purplebo@onramp.net
Language: English
Subject: AP English IV
Title: The Sanity of Prince Hamlet
Grade: 88%
System: High School
Age: 18
Country: USA
Comments: honors quality work, decent length. discusses the possibility of prince hamlet's insanity or feigned madness
Date: Wed, 10 Apr 96 23:03:41 -0500
Uploader: Eugene Man
Email: eman@glink.net.hk
Language: English
Subject: English
Title: What are Iago's methods and motives for entrapping Othello, and what do they tell
Grade: 94%
System: GCSE
Age: 15
Country: Hong Kong
Comments: Othello
Date: Thu, 11 Apr 1996 15:35:45 +-800
Uploader: John Rose
Email: ug940075@omega.scs.carleton.ca
Language: English
Subject: English Literature
Title: Human Nature in Shakespeare's King Lear
Grade: 75%
System: 1st year University
Age: 27
Country: Canada
Comments: A decent essay on King Lear, the prof said I was "too dogmatic in my assertions" though. About 1200 words.
Date: Tue, 09 Apr 1996 06:23:51 -0700
Uploader: susan jones
Email: comm452b@uhcl2.cl.uh.edu
Language: English
Subject: shakespeare
Title: Elements of comedy in shakespeare
Grade: 87%
System: University
Age: -
Country: USA
Comments: Compares and contrasts three of shakespeare's plays
Date: Mon, 08 Apr 1996 16:58:35 -0600 (CST)
Uploader: Brian Williams
Email: bw004b@uhura.cc.rochester.edu
Language: English
Subject: shakespeare
Title: The madness of prince Hamlet.
Grade: A
System: college
Age: 21
Country: USA
Comments: -
Date: Fri, 5 Apr 1996 03:30:59 -0500 (EST)
Uploader: -
Email: wheleinc@idirect.com
Language: English
Subject: Grade 10 English
Grade: 80%
System: High School
Age: 15
Country: Canada
Comments: Macbeth
Date: Wed, 10 Apr 1996 20:04:50 -0700
Uploader: Milkman
Email: richmond@mail.procom.net
Language: English
Subject: English
Title: The tragedy of King Lear.
Grade: 79%
System: High school
Age: 18 years old (when handed in)
Country: Canada
Comments: A fairly good essay.
Date: Sun, 21 Apr 1996 20:06:33 -0700
Uploader: Joshua Horn
Email: jghorn@acsu.buffalo.edu
Language: English
Subject: English
Title: An Alternative look at King Lear
Grade: A
System: College
Age: 18 years old (when handed in)
Country: USA
Comments: A look at a less obvious explanation for Lear's actions.
Date: Thu, 25 Apr 1996 20:32:30 -0400
Uploader: Luke Krause
Email: enigma@tcd.net
Language: English
Subject: Shakespeare
Title: Julius Caesar (compare & contrast)
Grade: 100%
System: High school
Age: 16 years old
Country: USA
Comments: Was difficult to write, I think everyone did Julius Caesar in 10th grade.. anyways it's an essay on Julius Caesar (the play)
Date: Tue, 30 Apr 1996 18:03:10 -0700
Uploader: Adam Chandler
Email: Adam@Baram.demon.co.uk
Language: English
Subject: English
Title: The relationship between macbeth and Lady macbeth
Grade: 85% (A)
System: High school
Age: 15
Country: England
Comments: Good essay, indepth
Date: Mon, 22 Apr 1996 16:11:03 -0700
Uploader: Rkocatas
Email: rkocatas@aol.com
Language: English
Subject: English
Title: The role of Sight and Appearance in developing the Themes of Hamlet
Grade: 95%
System: College
Age: 21
Date: Mon, 29 Apr 1996 13:29:21 -0400
Uploader: Jason Fonceca
Language: English
Subject: Shakespeare's Macbeth
Title: Macbeth
Grade: 95%
System: High School
Age: 16
Country: Canada
Comments: An essay which studies many themes in Macbeth, Long
Date: Fri, 24 May 1996 20:35:11 -0700
Uploader: Joshua Horn
Email: jghorn@acsu.buffalo.edu
Language: English
Subject: English
Title: An Alternative look at King Lear
Grade: A
System: College (Freshman)
Age: 18 years old (when handed in)
Country: USA
Comments: A look at a less obvious explanation for Lear's actions.
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