Want to broaden your horison? Go for it!

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Author : mike johnson
Email :
Language : english
Subject : Geography
Title : how to geog
Grade : 90
System : college
Age : 18
Country : usa
Authors Comments : it was good
Teachers Comments : none
Where I got Evil House of Cheat Address : search
Date : 11/2/96

Author : Yannick Wurm
Email : yannick@geocities.com
Language : english
Subject : Geography
Title : Refugees in Africa
Grade : 15/20 (B+)
System : French
Age : 16
Country : France
Authors Comments : email me if you liked it and would like to trade other essays with me
Teachers Comments :
Where I got Evil House of Cheat Address : search engine
Date : 11.23.96

Author : Dan wolow
Email : dianaw@c031.aone.net.au
Language : english
Subject : Geography
Title : Tsunamis
Grade : A
System : Secondary/High
Age : 14
Country : Australia
Authors Comments : Change intro. and conc. if nessesary
Teachers Comments : Brilliant , looks like you have really reasearched!
Where I got Evil House of Cheat Address : guru-fantastic
Date : 21/9/96

Author : Paul Gastrell
Email :
Language : english
Subject : Geography
Title : Settlement Patterns
Grade : 11
System : public system
Age : 16
Country : Australia
Authors Comments : Got an A
Teachers Comments : Good Work
Where I got Evil House of Cheat Address : great
Date : 17/11/96

Author : Jason Johnson
Email : john9871@uwwvax.uww.edu
Language : English
Subject : Geography
Title : Entertainment impact on Urban Geog. in Milwaukee
Grade : 80%
System : American
Age : 21
Country : USA
Authors Comments :
Teachers Comments : very well written, good specifics
Where I got Evil House of Cheat Address : friend
Date :

Author : Jason Johnson
Email : john9871@uwwvax.uww.edu
Language : English
Subject : Geography
Title : Entertainment impact on Urban Geog. in Milwaukee
Grade : 80%
System : American
Age : 21
Country : USA
Authors Comments :
Teachers Comments : very well written, good specifics
Where I got Evil House of Cheat Address : friend
Date :

Author :
Email :
Language : English
Subject : Geography
Title : Problems of nation building in malawi
Grade : 90
System : University
Age : 20
Country : USA
Authors Comments :
Teachers Comments :
Where I got Evil House of Cheat Address : Yahoo
Date :

Author : Joe
Email :
Language : english
Subject : Geography
Title : Montana
Grade : 9
System : High school
Age : 14
Country : United States
Authors Comments : information about the state of Montana
Teachers Comments : Great Job, it sounds like an interesting place to visit
Where I got Evil House of Cheat Address : search engine
Date : 11/17/96

Author :
Email :
Language : English
Subject : Geography
Title : The Great Barrier Reef
Grade : 80%
System :
Age : 14
Country : Sweden
Authors Comments : An essay about the great barrier reef in Australia
Teachers Comments :
Where I got Evil House of Cheat Address : I read about it in the "school sucks" site
Date : 96-11-14

Author : buck rogers
Email :
Language : us english
Subject : Geography
Title : ladscape and the enlightenment
Grade : 95%
System : nyu
Age : 22
Country : usa
Authors Comments : hope you like it
Teachers Comments : good paper - thoughtful
Where I got Evil House of Cheat Address : surfin
Date : 10/31/96

Author : buck rogers
Email :
Language : us english
Subject : Geography
Title : ladscape and the enlightenment
Grade : 95%
System : nyu
Age : 22
Country : usa
Authors Comments : hope you like it
Teachers Comments : good paper - thoughtful
Where I got Evil House of Cheat Address : surfin
Date : 10/31/96

Author : Derek
Email :
Language : English
Subject : Geography
Title : Colorado River
Grade : 91%
System : Junior College
Age : 24
Country : USA
Authors Comments :
Teachers Comments : Excellent info. Well written. Headings would help reader.
Where I got Evil House of Cheat Address : yahoo
Date : 11/5/96

Uploader : Andrew D.
Email : adic@magna.com.au
Language : English
Subject : Geography
Title : Women in Third World Countries
Grade : 95%
System : High School
Age : 16
Country : Australia
Comments : The roles of women in third world countries.
Where I got Evil House of Cheat Address : Teen Newsgoup
Date : April 96
Uploader : Ian Singh
Email : am256@freenet.carleton.ca
Language : English
Subject : Geography
Title : Position that Canada should take on immigration levels.
Grade : 80%
System : High School
Age : 14
Country : Canada
Comments : Include name of reports...
Where I got Evil House of Cheat Address : Chicks for your pleasure page
Date : 2 May 1996
Uploader : University Student
Email : n/a
Language : English
Subject : Anthropology (Upper Division)
Title : Navigation & Colonization of the Pacific
Grade : 98%
System : University
Age : 20
Country : USA
Comments : Navigation and Colonization of the Pacific Islands
Where I got Evil House of Cheat Address : via search Engine
Date : 03/05/96
Uploader : David Armstrong
Email : boxy@intercoast.com.au
Language : English
Subject : Science
Title :Sydney Drinking Water
Grade : 92%
System : High School
Age : 12 years ( when handed in)
Country : Australia
Comments : Analysis of Sydney's drinking water
Where I got Evil House of Cheat Address : Newspaper article
Date : 18th June ( when handed in )
Uploader :Jason Wright
Email : jwright@nso.uchc.edu
Language : English
Subject : Earth Science
Title : Northeast Storms
Grade : 85
System : College
Age : 22
Country : USA
Comments :
Where I got Evil House of Cheat Address : brother
Date : 9/11/96
Uploader : Eric Gilstrap
Email : gilstrap@kiss.de
Language : English
Subject : Evolution
Title : The Evolution of Life on the Earth
Grade : 96%
System : College
Age : 24
Country : USA
Comments :
Where I got Evil House of Cheat Address : Browsed
Date : 8 July 96
Uploader : Steve Lancaster
Email : slancaster@gwis.com
Language : english
Subject : Ecology
Title : New Ecological Insights
Grade : 87%
System : College
Age : 27
Country : USA
Comments :
Where I got Evil House of Cheat Address : Yahoo.com
Date : 09-03-96
Uploader: Tom O'Callaghan
Email: bfe@tpgi.com.au
Language: English
Subject: Geography
Title: Cooks River
Grade: 18/20 = 90%
System: High School
Age: 16
Country: Australia
Comments: An Essay on pollution and management on the Cooks River in Sydney, Australia.
Date: Mon, 29 Apr 1996 17:51:14 +1000
Uploader: Michael Saunders
Email: saunders@atlas.co.uk
Language: English
Subject: Geography
Title: Mediterranean Vegitation
Grade: 68%
System: secondary school
Age: 12
Country: England
Comments: Simple essay on mediterranean vegetation
Date: Sun, 28 Apr 1996 12:00:14 +0000
Uploader: L. Bird
Email: birdman@localnet.com
Language: English
Subject: Economics
Grade: 79%
System: freshman College
Age: 25 years old (when handed in)
Country: Usa
Comments: A essay explaing plate techtonics and explains the different theory's of the 1 land mass, and theory's of plate movement
Date: Sun, 28 Apr 96 09:21:02 0400
Uploader: Jon Caley
Email: joncaley@visuallink.com
Language: English
Subject: Geography, History
Title: The Development of the West
Grade: 96%
System: High School
Age: 17
Country: USA
Comments: "An essay describing to what extent cetain factors had in influencing the early life of settlers and development of the United States West."
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