SIW Estimations

Revision A - 20 MARCH 1996

 NamePositionE-mail address
Author(s):Johan SassnerTeam
Responsible:Johan SassnerTeam
To:Marcus IngemanssonProject
Cc:Fredrik Hall
Peter Wikström
Martin Fredriksson
Lars Olofsson
Jim Håkansson


This document contains the estimations for the SIW sub project in SAIDA.

1 Estimations

Estimations for the SIW Subproject
Activity IDNameFirst Estimation


Activities common for all subsystems545 
1.1 Planning and Administration166 
1.1.1 Development plan30From PDP
1.1.2 Planning36From PDP
1.1.3 Team Manager Role100From PDP
1.2 Learning3005 pers * 60 h
1.2.1 OLE80 
1.2.2 Visual C++60 
1.2.3 Visual Basic20 
1.2.4 HTML/cgi script25 
1.2.5 Java15 
1.2.6 Lonworks Component Architecture100 
1.3 Meetings73 
1.3.1 Team meetings6010 meet * 6 pers * 1h
1.3.2 Meetings with technical advisor84 meetings * 2 pers * 1h
1.3.3 Protocol/agenda510 meet * 1 pers * 0.5h
1.4 Reporting6 
1.4.1 Status reporting6From PDP
Activities for the 'WWW Interface'-application141 
2.1 Planning and Administration8 
2.1.1 Estimations41 pers
2.1.2 Follow up41 pers
2.1.3 Requirement specification8 
2.2 Design46 
2.2.1 Design34 
2.2.2 Design correction12 
2.3 Implementation46 
2.3.1 Implementation25 
2.3.2 Implementation correction21 
2.4 Testing21 
2.4.1 Test specification10 
2.4.2 Application test5 
2.4.3 Correction test6 
2.5 Documents20 
2.5.1 Delivery document205 hours * 4 pages
Activities for the 'Remote Navigator'-application691 
3.1 Planning and Administration8 
3.1.1 Estimations41 pers
3.1.2 Follow up41 pers
3.1.3 Requirement specification8 
3.2 Design263 
3.2.1 Design2434 pers * 55 hours
3.2.2 Design correction201 pers * 20 hours
3.3 Implementation300 
3.3.1 Implementation2204 pers * 55 hours
3.3.2 Implementation correction802 pers * 40 hours
3.4 Testing90 
3.4.1 Test specification10 
3.4.2 Application test65 
3.4.3 Correction test15 
3.5 Documents30 
3.5.1 Delivery document305 hours * 6 pages
Activities for the 'Remote Development Environment Client'-application618 
4.1 Planning and Administration8 
4.1.1 Estimations4 
4.1.2 Follow up4 
4.1.3 Requirement specification8 
4.2 Design232 
4.2.1 Design2004 pers * 50 hours
4.2.2 Design correction322 pers * 16 hours
4.3 Implementation232 
4.3.1 Implementation1804 pers * 45 hours
4.3.2 Implementation correction522 pers * 26 hours
4.4 Testing116 
4.4.1 Test specification20 
4.4.2 Application test702 pers * 35 hours
4.4.3 Correction test262 pers * 23 hours
4.5 Documents30 
4.5.1 Delivery document305 hours * 6 pages
Activities for the 'Remote Development Environment Server'-application


5.1 Planning and Administration8 
5.1.1 Estimations4 
5.1.2 Follow up4 
5.1.3 Requirement specification8 
5.2 Design42 
5.2.1 Design322 pers * 16 hours
5.2.2 Design correction102 pers * 5 hours
5.3 Implementation42 
5.3.1 Implementation302 pers * 15 hours
5.3.2 Implementation correction122 pers * 6 hours
5.4 Testing21 
5.4.1 Test specification10 
5.4.2 Application test51 pers * 5 hours
5.4.3 Correction test61 pers * 6 hours
5.5 Documents20 
5.5.1 Delivery document205 hours * 4 pages

1.1 Summary

Total estimation for the SIW Subproject
Activity IDNameEstimation


1Activities common for all subsystems545
2WWW Interface141
3Remote Navigator691
4Remote Dev. Env. Client618
5Remote Dev. Env. Server133

SIW Estimations
1 - Estimations
1.1 - Summary

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