Requirements Specification WWW Interface

Revision A - 28 MARCH 1996

 NamePositionE-mail address
Author(s):Johan SassnerTeam
Responsible:Johan SassnerTeam
To:Hans Ottosson
Anders Angelhag
Marcus Ingemansson
Fredrik Ygge
Peter Molin
Project Manager
Technical Advisor
Head of Department
Approved bySignatureDate
Anders Angelhag


Marcus Ingemansson




This document contains the requirements specification for the WWW Interface.

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1 Introduction

1.1 Purpose

The WWW Interface provides methods for Sydkrafts customers to supervise their appliances. In the SAIDA project the WWW Interface is the connection between the Data Server and Sydkraft's customers.

1.2 Scope

2 General description

2.1 Product functionality

The WWW Interface shall provide a way to set and get Device Data exported by the DataServer.

2.2 User characteristics

The WWW Interface will be used by Sydkraft's customers. The customer needs to have knowledge of how to operate a WWW compatible browser (e.g. Netscape).

2.3 General constraints

The WWW Interface shall follow the HTML standard and also include well defined additions to this standard.

3 Deliveries

Delivery #1, which is scheduled to take place 1996-04-11, includes a WWW Interface which fulfills the requirements in sections [4], "System requirements" and [5], "Interface requirements".

4 System requirements

4.1 Top-level requirements

WWW_F1 It shall be possible for a customer to see the status of all their appliances accessible through the Data Server.

WWW_F2 It shall be possible for a customer to change the status of applicable appliances through the Data Server.

4.2 Bottom-level requirements

WWW_A1 The CCN shall respond quickly to user requests via WWW.

WWW_A1Response time (local/remote)Seconds1 s5 min

5 Interface requirements

5.1 WWW Interface

WWW_F3 It shall be possible to view Device Data from the Data Server via a HTML page.

WWW_F4 It shall be possible to set Device Data in the Data Server via a HTML page.

6 Appendix A

6.1 Terminology

6.1.1 Concentrator Communication Node (CCN)

The CCN connects the LAN to the rest of the world. Applications run in the CCN and provide functionality for e.g. collecting data.

6.1.2 Data Server

The Data Server is the central component in the CCN which provides a framework for named variables that can be accessed in a uniform way, regardless of how the variable is implemented. Examples of variables that can be accessed through this mechanism includes LonWorks Network Variables, and SAIDA-implemented logs.

6.1.3 Device Data

Device Data represent the state of a node. This state could be represented in two ways (which type of state depends on the request): the logged data in the CCN and the current value of the node. This value could e.g. represent the temperature of a heater.

7 Appendix B

7.1 Literature

[SAIDA 96-1], SAIDA, "Solution Decomposition" - Rev. A - University/College of Karlskrona/Ronneby, 1996.

[SAIDA 96-2], SAIDA, "Requirements Specification" - Rev. B - University/College of Karlskrona/Ronneby, 1996.

[SAIDA 96-3], SAIDA, "Deviations from Requirements Specification" - Rev. A - University/College of Karlskrona/Ronneby, 1996.

Requirements Specification WWW Interface
1 - Introduction
1.1 - Purpose
1.2 - Scope
2 - General description
2.1 - Product functionality
2.2 - User characteristics
2.3 - General constraints
3 - Deliveries
4 - System requirements
4.1 - Top-level requirements
4.2 - Bottom-level requirements
5 - Interface requirements
5.1 - WWW Interface
6 - Appendix A
6.1 - Terminology
6.1.1 - Concentrator Communication Node (CCN)
6.1.2 - Data Server
6.1.3 - Device Data
7 - Appendix B
7.1 - Literature

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© 1996, The SAIDA Project