Requirements Specification Remote Data Navigator

Revision A - 4 APR 1996

 NamePositionE-mail address
Author(s):Johan Sassner
Jim Håkansson
Responsible:Johan SassnerTeam
To:Hans Ottosson
Anders Angelhag
Marcus Ingemansson
Fredrik Ygge
Peter Molin
Project Manager
Technical Advisor
Head of Department


This document contains the Requirements Specification for the Remote Data Navigator (RDN).

Microsoft, MS, MS-DOS are registered trademarks and Windows, Visual Basic and Visual C++ are trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the USA and other countries.

FileManager and OLE is a registered trademark licensed to Microsoft.

1 Introduction

1.1 Purpose

The RDN provides a graphical user interface (GUI) for the Data Server, Logger and Alarm Handler.

The scope of this Requirements Specification is solely the RDN which resides on the users computer.

2 General Description

2.1 Product Functionality

The main function of the RDN is to list an expandible/collapsable Data Server Device Data hierarchy in one window, and instances of Device Data in another window. From this other window it shall be possible to connect an OLE representation of the Device Data to any standard application which complies to OLE.

The user shall also have access to functions to list, create and delete Device Data. It should be possible to associate alarm handling and logging with Device Data.

2.2 User Characteristics

The RDN will be used by employees of Sydkraft. The users need to have knowledge of how to operate a simple Windows NT application such as the FileManager in Windows NT.

3 Deliveries

Delivery #2, which is scheduled to take place 1996-05-02, includes a RDN which fulfils the requirements in sections [4], "System Requirements" and [5], "Interface Requirements".

4 System Requirements

4.1 Top-level Requirements

Functional Requirements
The Remote Data Navigator shall provide functions for...

DN_F1 ... viewing all Device Data in a hierarchy. [DN_F8]

DN_F2 ... adding Device Data to the hierarchy. [DN_F8]

DN_F3 ... adding groups to the hierarchy. [DN_F9]

DN_F4 ... removing Device Data from the hierarchy.

DN_F5 ... removing groups from the hierarchy. [DN_F9]

DN_F6 ... setting a flag whether Device Data should be logged or not. The logging will not be done in this subsystem.

DN_F7 ... setting a flag whether Device Data should be alarmed or not. The alarm handling will not be done in this subsystem.

4.2 Bottom-level Requirements

Functional Requirements
DN_F8 Device Data shall be represented as OLE objects.

DN_F9 A group shall be able to contain other groups and/or Device Data.

5 Interface Requirements

5.1 Top-level Requirements

Functional Requirements
DN_F10 The RDN shall provide a GUI for viewing all Device Data in the Data Server. [DN_F13,DN_F14]

DN_F11 The RDN shall provide functionality for setting Device Data in the Data Server. [DN_F13,DN_F14]

5.2 Bottom-level Requirements

Functional Requirements
DN_F12 The RDN shall allow drag and drop of OLE objects to applications that supports OLE objects.

DN_F13 Device Data shall be shown in the same way as files are shown in the FileManager.

DN_F14 A group shall be shown in such a way as a directory is shown in the FileManager.

6 Appendix A

6.1 Terminology

6.1.1 Device Data

The Device Data represents the state of a node. This state could be represented in two ways (which type of state depends on the request): the logged data in the CCN or the current value of the node. This value could e.g. represent the temperature of a heater.

6.1.2 Group

A group is a collection of Device Data and/or other groups.

6.1.3 Hierarchy

The hierarchy is a expandible/collapsable tree built of Device Data. The root of the tree is representing for example a city, and the leaf of the tree is representing for example a toaster.

6.2 Literature

[SAIDA 96-1], Grahm M., "Solution Decomposition" - Rev. A -University of Karlskrona/Ronneby, 1996.

[SAIDA 96-2], SAIDA, "Requirements Specification" - Rev. B - University/College of Karlskrona/Ronneby, 1996.

[SAIDA 96-3], SAIDA, "Deviations from Requirements Specification" - Rev. A - University/College of Karlskrona/Ronneby, 1996.

Approved bySignatureDate
Anders Angelhag


Marcus Ingemansson



Requirements Specification Remote Data Navigator
1 - Introduction
1.1 - Purpose
2 - General Description
2.1 - Product Functionality
2.2 - User Characteristics
3 - Deliveries
4 - System Requirements
4.1 - Top-level Requirements
Functional Requirements
4.2 - Bottom-level Requirements
Functional Requirements
5 - Interface Requirements
5.1 - Top-level Requirements
Functional Requirements
5.2 - Bottom-level Requirements
Functional Requirements
6 - Appendix A
6.1 - Terminology
6.1.1 - Device Data
6.1.2 - Group
6.1.3 - Hierarchy
6.2 - Literature

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