Remote Data Navigator
Requirements Specification

Revision B - 3 MAY 1996

 NamePositionE-mail address
Author(s):Martin Fredriksson
Linus Girdland
Peter Wikström
Team Manager
Responsible:Peter WikströmTeam
Cc:Peter Molin
Conny Johansson
Head of Department
Quality Manager


This document contains the requirements specification for the Remote Data Navigator (RDN) subsystem of the SAIDA project.

Visual Basic and OLE are trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the USA and other countries.

1 Introduction

1.1 Purpose

The RDN provides a proxy for accessing the Data Server's [SAGA 96-1] interface, as well as a graphical user interface (GUI) with this proxy. The scope of the requirements specification is the RDN which will reside on the user's local computer, accessing the Data Server's variables from remote.

1.2 Testing

All requirements will be tested according to [SIW 96-1].

2 General Description

2.1 Product Functionality

The main functionality of the RDN is to provide access to the Data Server's hierarchy of SAIDA Variables, SAIDA Alarms and SAIDA Logs through a GUI. With the RDN it shall also be possible to export SAIDA Variables to external applications written by third parties.

2.2 User Characteristics

The RDN will be used by employees of Sydkraft.

3 Requirements

The requirements are mapped against different entities in the subsystem. This is done to ensure that it can be verified that certain designs meet all the requirements of that entity, and that testing can be done to ensure that the implementation of that design really meet all the requirements. The Customer level requirements are such requirements which are "global" and are usually met by several entities working together. These global requirements are then split into smaller "subrequirements" which more exactly specifies what functionality each entity has to provide in order to together meet the global requirement.

3.1 Global

These are the global requirements which specifies what functionality the RDN as a system shall provide.

GLO_F 1 The RDN shall provide a graphical representation of the Data Server's hierarchy of SAIDA Variables. It shall ...

GLO_F 1.1 ... provide functionality to administrate SAIDA Variables in the Data Server through a GUI.

GLO_F 1.2 ... provide functionality to manage SAIDA Groups.

GLO_F 1.3 ... provide functionality to manage SAIDA Variables.

GLO_F 2 The RDN shall provide functionality to administrate logging of SAIDA Variables. It shall ...

GLO_F 2.1 ... provide functionality to control how and when to log SAIDA Variables.

GLO_F 3 The RDN shall provide functionality to administrate the Data Server's SAIDA Alarms through a GUI. It shall ...

GLO_F 3.1 ... provide functionality to create SAIDA Alarms.

GLO_F 3.2 ... provide functionality to remove SAIDA Alarms.

GLO_F 3.3 ... provide functionality to set the attributes of SAIDA Alarms.

GLO_F 3.4 ... provide functionality to view the attributes of SAIDA Alarms.

GLO_A 4 The RDN shall be highly reliable.

GLO_A 5 The RDN shall be able to run in several instances concurrently on the same computer.

GLO_A 6 The RDN shall provide an interface to client applications which is easy to access.

GLO_A 7 The RDN shall respond quickly to requests.

3.2 GUI

These are the requirements which specifies what functionality the GUI has to provide to ensure that it's part of the global RDN requirements can be met.

GUI_F 1 The GUI shall provide a graphical representation of the Data Server's hierarchy of SAIDA Variables. It shall ...

3.2.1 SAIDA Groups

GUI_F 1.1 ... provide functionality to manage SAIDA Groups.

GUI_F 1.1.1 ... provide functionality to create SAIDA Groups in the hierarchy.

GUI_F 1.1.2 ... provide functionality to remove SAIDA Groups from the hierarchy.

GUI_F 1.1.3 ... provide functionality to rename SAIDA Groups.

3.2.2 SAIDA Variables

GUI_F 1.2 ... provide functionality to manage SAIDA Variables.

GUI_F 1.2.1 ... provide functionality to create SAIDA Variables in SAIDA Groups.

GUI_F 1.2.2 ... provide functionality to remove SAIDA Variables from SAIDA Groups.

GUI_F 1.2.3 ... provide functionality to rename SAIDA Variables.

GUI_F 1.2.4 ... provide functionality to copy SAIDA Variables within the hierarchy.

GUI_F 1.2.5 ... provide functionality to move SAIDA Variables within the hierarchy.

GUI_F 1.2.6 ... provide functionality to set the attributes of SAIDA Variables.

GUI_F ... provide functionality to set the value of SAIDA Variables.

GUI_F ... provide functionality to set the name of SAIDA Variables.

GUI_F ... provide functionality to bind SAIDA Variables to Network Variables.

GUI_F 1.2.7 ... provide functionality to view the attributes of SAIDA Variables.

GUI_F ... provide functionality to view the name of SAIDA Variables.

GUI_F ... provide functionality to view the data type of SAIDA Variables.

GUI_F ... provide functionality to view the current value of SAIDA Variables.

GUI_F ... provide functionality to view the binding of SAIDA Variables to Network Variables.

GUI_F 1.3 ... provide functionality to browse LCA Network Variables.

3.2.3 SAIDA Logs

GUI_F 1.4 ... provide functionality to manage SAIDA Logs.

GUI_F 1.4.1 ... provide functionality to create SAIDA Logs for SAIDA Variables.

GUI_F 1.4.2 ... provide functionality to remove SAIDA Logs for SAIDA Variables.

GUI_F 1.4.3 ... provide functionality to set the attributes of SAIDA Logs.

GUI_F ... provide functionality to choose on-change logging of SAIDA Variables.

GUI_F ... provide functionality to choose periodic logging of SAIDA Variables.

GUI_F ... provide functionality to set the interval of periodic logging of SAIDA Variables.

GUI_F ... provide functionality to limit the size of SAIDA Logs by specifying the maximum number of logged values.

GUI_F ... provide functionality to limit the size of SAIDA Logs by specifying the maximum age of logged values.

GUI_F ... provide functionality to activate logging of SAIDA Variables.

GUI_F ... provide functionality to deactivate logging of SAIDA Variables.

GUI_F 1.4.4 ... provide functionality to view the attributes of SAIDA Logs.

GUI_F ... provide functionality to view the type of logging of SAIDA Variables.

GUI_F ... provide functionality to view whether SAIDA Logs are activated or deactivated.

GUI_F ... provide functionality to view number and age limits on SAIDA Logs.

GUI_F 1.4.5 ... provide functionality to view the logged values of SAIDA Variables.

GUI_F ... provide functionality to view the logged value and index of SAIDA Variables stored at a specified time.

GUI_F ... provide functionality to view the logged value and the time of logging of SAIDA Variables stored at a specified index in the log.

3.2.4 SAIDA Alarms

GUI_F 2 The RDN shall provide functionality to manage the Data Server's SAIDA Alarms through a GUI. It shall ...

GUI_F 2.1 ... provide functionality to create SAIDA Alarms.

GUI_F 2.2 ... provide functionality to remove SAIDA Alarms.

GUI_F 2.3 ... provide functionality to set the attributes of SAIDA Alarms.

GUI_F 2.3.1 ... provide functionality to set the name of SAIDA Alarms.

GUI_F 2.3.2 ... provide functionality to set the conditions that triggers SAIDA Alarms.

GUI_F 2.3.3 ... provide functionality to set the action to occur on triggering of SAIDA Alarms.

GUI_F 2.3.4 ... provide functionality to activate SAIDA Alarms.

GUI_F 2.3.5 ... provide functionality to deactivate SAIDA Alarms.

GUI_F 2.4 ... provide functionality to view the attributes of SAIDA Alarms.

GUI_F 2.4.1 ... provide functionality to view the unique IDs of SAIDA Alarms.

GUI_F 2.4.2 ... provide functionality to view the names of SAIDA Alarms.

GUI_F 2.4.3 ... provide functionality to view the conditions that triggers SAIDA Alarms.

GUI_F 2.4.4 ... provide functionality to view the actions to occur on triggering of SAIDA Alarms.

GUI_F 2.4.5 ... provide functionality to view whether SAIDA Alarms are activated or deactivated.

3.2.5 General

GUI_F 3 The internal state of the GUI shall not be affected if its connection to its external environment is broken.

GUI_F 4 The GUI shall be able to export SAIDA Variables to third part applications which support the use of DDE links.

GUI_A 5 It shall be possible to run several instances concurrently on the same computer.

3.3 OCX

These are the requirements which specifies what functionality the OCX entity in the RDN has to provide to ensure that its part of the global RDN requirements are met.

OCX_F 1 The OCX shall provide functionality to manage the Data Server's hierarchy of SAIDA Variables. It shall ...

3.3.1 SAIDA Variables

OCX_F 1.1 ... provide functionality to set the attributes of SAIDA Variables in the Data Server.

OCX_F 1.1.1 ... provide functionality to set the name of SAIDA Variables.

OCX_F 1.1.2 ... provide functionality to set the value of SAIDA Variables.

OCX_F 1.1.3 ... provide functionality to order the Data Server to bind SAIDA Variables to Network Variables.

OCX_F 1.1.4 ... provide functionality to set the log-attributes of SAIDA Variables.

OCX_F 1.1.5 ... provide functionality to order the Data Server to set a special string of SAIDA Variables which can be used to store arbitrary information.

OCX_F 1.2 ... provide functionality to retrieve the attributes of SAIDA Variables from the Data Server.

OCX_F 1.2.1 ... provide functionality to retrieve the name of SAIDA Variables.

OCX_F 1.2.2 ... provide functionality to retrieve the data type of SAIDA Variables.

OCX_F 1.2.3 ... provide functionality to retrieve the current value of SAIDA Variables.

OCX_F 1.2.4 ... provide functionality to retrieve the binding of SAIDA Variables to Network Variables.

OCX_F 1.2.5 ... provide functionality to retrieve a special string of SAIDA Variables which can be used to store arbitrary information.

OCX_F 1.2.6 ... provide functionality to retrieve logged values of SAIDA Variables from the Data Server.

OCX_F ... provide functionality to retrieve the logged value of SAIDA Variables according to the time it was logged.

OCX_F ... provide functionality to retrieve the logged value of SAIDA Variables according to the index of where it is stored in the log.

3.3.2 SAIDA Alarms

OCX_F 2 The OCX shall provide functionality to manage the Data Server's SAIDA Alarms. It shall ...

OCX_F 2.1 ... provide functionality to create SAIDA Alarms.

OCX_F 2.2 ... provide functionality to remove SAIDA Alarms.

OCX_F 2.3 ... provide functionality to set the attributes of SAIDA Alarms in the Data Server.

OCX_F 2.3.1 ... provide functionality to set the name of SAIDA Alarms.

OCX_F 2.3.2 ... provide functionality to set the conditions which triggers SAIDA Alarms.

OCX_F 2.3.3 ... provide functionality to set the action to occur on triggering of SAIDA Alarms.

OCX_F 2.3.4 ... provide functionality to activate SAIDA Alarms.

OCX_F 2.3.5 ... provide functionality to deactivate SAIDA Alarms.

OCX_F 2.4 ... provide functionality to retrieve the attributes of SAIDA Alarms from the Data Server.

OCX_F 2.4.1 ... provide functionality to retrieve the name of SAIDA Alarms.

OCX_F 2.4.2 ... provide functionality to retrieve the conditions which triggers SAIDA Alarms.

OCX_F 2.4.3 ... provide functionality to retrieve the action to occur on triggering of SAIDA Alarms.

OCX_F 2.4.4 ... provide functionality to retrieve status on whether SAIDA Alarms are activated or deactivated.

OCX_F 2.5 ... make changes of SAIDA Variables' attributes in atomic actions.

OCX_A 3 The OCX shall be able to run in several instances concurrently on the same computer.

3.3.3 Exported Interface

OCX_A 4 The OCX shall provide easy access to the Data Server's interface to client applications.
It shall ...

OCX_F 4.1 ... provide functionality to export the Data Server's interface [SAGA 96-1] to enable applications with capability of using OCXs to get/set the status of SAIDA Variables in the Data Server.

3.3.4 General

OCX_A 5 The OCX shall respond quickly to requests.

OCX_A 5.1 ... respond quickly to requests from applications using it to communicate with the Data Server.

4 Attribute Table
Attribute specifications.
Attribute NoScaleWorst casePlanned
GLO_A4Times per hour that the application crashes due to unforeseen errors.0.50.1
GLO_A5Number of instances runnable concurrently on the same computer.25
GLO_A6Number of lines of Visual Basic for Applications code to access a SAIDA Variable in the Data Server through the RDN.205
GLO_A7The time the RDN delays the receiving of information from the Data Server.5 s1 s
GUI_A5Number of instances runnable concurrently on the same computer.25
OCX_A3Number of instances runnable concurrently on the same computer.25
OCX_A4Number of lines of Visual Basic code needed to access a SAIDA Variable in the Data Server.103
OCX_A5.1The delay between a request has been received from the RDN until it has been forwarded to the Data Server5 s1 s
 The delay between an answer has been received from the Data Server until it has been forwarded to the RDN5 s1 s

5 Appendix A

5.1 Terminology

5.1.1 CCN - Concentrator Communication Node

The CCN connects the LAN to the rest of the world. Service applications (i.e. client applications from the Data Server's point of view) run in the CCN and provides functionality for e.g. collecting data.

5.1.2 Data Server

The Data Server is the central component in the CCN. It handles all SAIDA Variable processing (storage, retrieval, logging and alarming) and exports this functionality to client applications through its interface.

5.1.3 DDE - Dynamic Data Exchange

The form of interprocess communication (IPC) used by Microsoft Windows to support exchange of commands and data between two applications running simultaneously.

5.1.4 GLO_An

Global Attribute requirement.

5.1.5 GLO_Fn

Global Functional requirement.

5.1.6 GUI_An

GUI Attribute requirement.

5.1.7 GUI_Fn

GUI Functional requirement.

5.1.8 GUI - Graphical User Interface

5.1.9 Hierarchy

The hierarchy is an expandible/collapsable tree build of SAIDA Groups and SAIDA Variables.

5.1.10 LAN - Local Area Network

The LAN consists of nodes, connected in a network, which in this project is the LonWorks architecture with Neuron chips.

5.1.11 LCA - LonWorks Component Architecture

Echelon's product and standard for how to handle Neuron nodes.

5.1.12 Network Variable

A Network Variable is a value stored in a physical node connected to the CCN.

5.1.13 Node

A node is a chip which monitors and controls a domestic appliance. It communicates with the CCN and other nodes via the LAN.

5.1.14 OCX_An

OCX Attribute requirement.

5.1.15 OCX_Fn

OCX Functional requirement.

5.1.16 OLE Automation

OLE Automation is a standard that provides ways to call methods and to access properties across applications.

5.1.17 SAIDA Alarm

A SAIDA Alarm is an object containing various attributes, such as; condition, action etc. The SAIDA Alarm is basically an action to be executed when a certain condition is fulfilled.

5.1.18 SAIDA Group

A SAIDA Group is a collection of SAIDA Variables and/or other SAIDA Groups.

5.1.19 SAIDA Log

A SAIDA Log are values of a SAIDA Variable stored at certain points in time.

5.1.20 SAIDA Variable

A SAIDA Variable is an object containing various attributes, such as name, type, Network Variable bindings etc. The SAIDA Variables provides a link to the values of Network Variables in physical nodes connected to the CCN.

5.2 Literature

[SAGA 96-1], SAGA, "Data Server Requirements Specification" Rev. C - University of Karlskrona/Ronneby, 1996.

[SIW 96-1], SIW, "RDN Unit test specification" Rev. A - University of Karlskrona/Ronneby, 1996.

Remote Data Navigator Requirements Specification
1 - Introduction
1.1 - Purpose
1.2 - Testing
2 - General Description
2.1 - Product Functionality
2.2 - User Characteristics
3 - Requirements
3.1 - Global
3.2 - GUI
3.2.1 - SAIDA Groups
3.2.2 - SAIDA Variables
3.2.3 - SAIDA Logs
3.2.4 - SAIDA Alarms
3.2.5 - General
3.3 - OCX
3.3.1 - SAIDA Variables
3.3.2 - SAIDA Alarms
3.3.3 - Exported Interface
3.3.4 - General
4 - Attribute Table
5 - Appendix A
5.1 - Terminology
5.1.1 - CCN - Concentrator Communication Node
5.1.2 - Data Server
5.1.3 - DDE - Dynamic Data Exchange
5.1.4 - GLO_An
5.1.5 - GLO_Fn
5.1.6 - GUI_An
5.1.7 - GUI_Fn
5.1.8 - GUI - Graphical User Interface
5.1.9 - Hierarchy
5.1.10 - LAN - Local Area Network
5.1.11 - LCA - LonWorks Component Architecture
5.1.12 - Network Variable
5.1.13 - Node
5.1.14 - OCX_An
5.1.15 - OCX_Fn
5.1.16 - OLE Automation
5.1.17 - SAIDA Alarm
5.1.18 - SAIDA Group
5.1.19 - SAIDA Log
5.1.20 - SAIDA Variable
5.2 - Literature

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© 1996, The SAIDA Project