


The LinkZ




Right noW

Contact mE

This is a story @bout my life and who I am.

It started in Sk�vde the 14 of march 1972 at 5 p.m., a little boy saw the light and jumped up screaming. Until his second birthday he kept screaming. So this boy is me, KummiZ or as my real name Karl Jonaz Kumlander but I'm called KummiZ or Jonaz. When I became 7 years old I started going to school. The school was called Eriksdals school. This part of my life I was a brat who wanted to make a lot of trouble and didn't think that school was important.

1988 I finished ground school and started studding to engineer in a Continuation School I Sk�vde called V�sterh�jdsskolan. I studied there for 4 years and got a engineer grade in teletechnic and computer. 1990 I got my driving license and people was told to get out of the streets. 1991 I enhanced my driving license to taxi license and started a part time job as a taxidriver. 1992 I graduated from continuation school and should have done my service in the Swedish airforce but it was changed and instead I started to work full time as a taxidriver in Sk�vde. In the summer of 1993 I went to Australia for 2 months. It was an incredible journey and I will do it again if a have the chance.

In august of 1993 I moved to Ronneby to study at University collage of Ronneby. I started the program people, computers, work. I'm on my fourth year now and this summer I will take my major in computerscience with the aim on workscience. 1993 I and a couple of friends formed the fertenity called Blekinge Ph�st Waffe. Together we party in Ronneby and we traveled to other university for parting. My alias in BPW is Strutsen. In 1994 I joined the SexM�steriet in Ronneby and 1995 in the spring I became head, called SexM�stare, of the SexM�steriet in Ronneby and I had that position until spring of 1996. That SexM�steri I was head of is now called The SexMastery but everyone denies knowledge of our group. This summer I will be bestman at my friends marriage. The friend is Makkan.

Just now I'm working on my master thesis with a friend called Henke soon you will be able to read about it on our project web. If you wanna reach my you can try
#cafeet on IRC efnet. I'm there under the nick KummiZ.

If you or your IM force will be caught the secretary will deny any knowledge so mail me!!!

  All comments addressed to:
�1997 Jonaz "KummiZ" Kumlander, Last updated: 1997-03-11 16:45
The background is from The