Configuration Plan

Revision A - 22 MARCH 1996

 NamePositionE-mail address
Author(s):Magnus ThuressonConfiguration
Responsible:Magnus ThuressonConfiguration
To:Marcus IngemanssonProject


This document presents the planned resource and time usage of Configuration Management.

1 Activities

1.1 Document Release

1.1.1 Description

When a document is inspected and ready to be released, the Inspection Moderator shall inform the Configuration Manager about the document's;

Procedure for making document revisions. The Configuration Manager shall...

1.1.2 Resource usage

1 person (Configuration Manager)

1.2 Backups

1.2.1 Description

One backup shall be made every day on both the Unix platform and the Windows NT platform.

The Configuration Manager must check that there are enough room to store the backup files on the backup media.

Daily backup files older than one week and weekly backup files older than one month shall be removed.

The Configuration Manager shall check that the backup file is not corrupt.

1.2.2 Resource Usage

1 person (Configuration Manager)

1.3 Baselines

1.3.1 Description

When a certain level of functionality of a unit or subsystem have been reached a baseline of the actual version shall be created. The Team or the Project Manager takes decision when a baseline shall be created.

There shall at least be a baseline for each delivery to the customer.

For each baseline a compressed file and information about the baseline shall be stored. Master Backup
When a baseline is created all files necessary for this baseline shall be stored in a master backup. Delivery Copies
All files necessary for a delivery shall be stored in one compressed file.

1.3.2 Resource Usage

1 person (Configuration Manager)

1.4 Account Maintenance

1.4.1 Description

Temporary backup files and other files that are unnecessary shall be removed from the file system.

There must be a well defined directory structure so every project member know where he shall store his work.

The Configuration Manager shall inform all project members about greater changes in the directory structure.

1.4.2 Resource Usage

1 person (Configuration Manager)

1.5 Document Database

1.5.1 Description

Because there will be a lot of documents produced in this project, a document database need to be maintained by the Configuration Manager, where at least the following information about every released document shall be stored;

The document database shall be updated every time any information about a document in the document database is changed.

1.5.2 Resource Usage

1 person (Configuration Manager)

1.6 Change Management

1.6.1 Description

When any earlier released document have to be changed the Configuration Manager must find out what other documents these changes can have effect on. The document database shall be used to find out if there are some other documents that have to be changed.

If a Team or the Project Manager wants to do any changes to a released document must he or she inform the Configuration Manager. The Configuration Manager shall then find out if any other documents have to be changed.

1.6.2 Resource Usage

1 person (Configuration Manager)

2 Estimations

The total time of the SAIDA project is 12 weeks.

Configuration management
Document release20 min/doc62 h24 h
Backups15 min/backup61.5 h16 h
Baselines2 h/baseline12 h24 h
Account maintenance  2 h24 h
Document database10 min/update122 h24 h
Creating document database   10 h
Change management0.5 h/doc21 h12 h
Total  10.5 h/week134 h

3 Appendix A

3.1 Terminology

Document database - A file or database where information about every released document is stored, e.g. document title, file name, version number, document author, inspection level, inspectors, release date, references to other documents.

3.2 References

[QMG 96] Eriksson, T & Vigerlöf, M., "Configuration management procedure" - Revision A - University of Karlskrona/Ronneby, 1996.

Configuration Plan
1 - Activities
1.1 - Document Release
1.1.1 - Description
1.1.2 - Resource usage
1.2 - Backups
1.2.1 - Description
1.2.2 - Resource Usage
1.3 - Baselines
1.3.1 - Description - Master Backup - Delivery Copies
1.3.2 - Resource Usage
1.4 - Account Maintenance
1.4.1 - Description
1.4.2 - Resource Usage
1.5 - Document Database
1.5.1 - Description
1.5.2 - Resource Usage
1.6 - Change Management
1.6.1 - Description
1.6.2 - Resource Usage
2 - Estimations
3 - Appendix A
3.1 - Terminology
3.2 - References

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© 1996, The SAIDA Project