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View Net-Trak Total Stats!

This page is updated every single time our trakker records a hit. We also only record Unique Hosts. This means if person a gets to a Net-Trak site and reloads the page he will not be counted twice.

We have a static browser list here. If we notice any new browser getting a bigger share, we will add it to our stats.

We can not put any Lynx statistics on here. This is because lynx is a text only browser and it will not load images. The trakker relies on loading images though!

The System list is also static.

We will hopefully add more stats to this page, including Country Statistics!

These Stats were last reset on the 11th of April 1997 1900GMT!
Total Hits since then: 1048794
Total Unique Hits these stats are based on: 663267
Hits divided among Netscape and Internet Explorer!
Netscape: 67.6% (448529)
Internet Explorer: 23.9% (158615)

Hits divided among all Browsers!
Netscape 4.x: 4.1% (27839)
Netscape 3.x: 48.7% (323084)
Netscape 2.x: 12.8% (85561)
Netscape 1.x: 1.7% (11726)
Other Netscape or Compatible: 0.0% (319)
MS Internet Explorer 4.x: 1.5% (10461)
MS Internet Explorer 3.x: 20.8% (138390)
MS Internet Explorer 2.x: 1.4% (9719)
MS Internet Explorer 1.x: 0.0% (44)
Other MSIE or Compatible: 0.0% (1)
Mosaic: 0.1% (1075)
Cyberdog: 0.0% (93)
AmigaVoyager: 0.0% (165)
IBrowse: 0.0% (440)
AOL Browser (MAY be MSIE): 6.5% (43194)
WebTV: 0.7% (4753)
PlanetWeb (Sega Saturn): 0.0% (525)
Other Browser: 0.8% (5878)

Hits divided among Systems!
Win32 (Win95/NT): 70.3% (466631)
Win16 (Win3.x): 18.6% (123705)
Mac: 7.0% (46612)
Amiga: 0.0% (663)
Unix (X11): 2.1% (14420)
WebTV: 0.7% (4753)
Sega Saturn: 0% ()

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