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American History

Spanish Settlement of the West
A People's History of the US by Howard Zinn
Labor in America
Connection of America’s colonial and revolutionary religious and political experiences to the basic principles of the Constitution.
Political Morality in Colonial Time
Events leading to the American Revolution
The Regulators of North Carolina: Outraged Opressors
Trail of Tears - Cherokee Indians
Important Presidential Elections
The character of Thomas Jefferson
Essay On Thomas Jefferson
Review of Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass
Frederic Douglas, The Narrative of
Colt Six-Shooter
The Contenders
William Tecumseh Sherman
Pre-Civil War New Orleans
General George Meade
Civil War End of a Tragedy: The Road to Appomattox
Civil War - Why The North Won
Lyndon B. Johnson
Imigration and Discrimination in the 1920's
Crazy Horse
America's involvement in World War Two
New Deal
Woodrow Wilson Overview
Newton and his three laws of motion
Brown v. Board of Education
The Hindenburg
Was Colonial Culture Uniquely American?
Critique of the book "Call It Sleep"
The Historical Period of One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich: Living Eight Years in a Day
Vietnam: The war we should have won.
Imigration and Discrimination in the 1920's
US History, Underground Railroad
Carl Sandburg
Development of the West Beyond The Mississippi
American History - Pre Civil War
The 33rd president of the United States
Abraham Lincoln
Feferaliast Party
A Work about Vietnam
Critical analysis on De Tocqueville's "Democracy in America"
The couses of the Civil war
The war of Vietnam
New England and the Chesapeake region before 1700
Herbert Hoover
American History / Prohibition
JFK: Was his Assassination Inevtiable?
The Persian Gulf War
John Fitzgerald Kennedy

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