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LAW - an Overview
Mitchell v. Wisconsin
The Effects of Race on Sentencing in Capital Punishment Cases
Massachusetts Juvenile Justice Reform: A Step in the Wrong Direction
Capital Punishment - Anti
The FCC v. Pacifica Foundation: How George Carlin's "Filthy Words" Gave the Government the Power to Regulate What We Hear on the Radio
Constitutional Law - Marbury v. Madison
Environmental Law - Nollan vs. CCC
Moment of Silence
Celebrating Religious Holidays
Death Penalty - Anti
Rent Control - pro
Software Licensing - pro
Battered Women's Syndrome: A Survey of Contemporary Theories
Gay and lesbian rights
Should the USA end the drug prohibition?
Environmental Justice and the E.P.A.
Violence Against Women Act
Euthanasia: A question of ethics
Juvenile Crime
Canada's Copyright law
Assisted Suicide
New York Times Co. Vs. United States
Civil Rights Movement
Is our Constitution still alive?

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