1960's : Social History 
Abigail Adams : Biography 
Aborigines : Australian Tribesman
Adolf Hitler : Biography 
Africa : Modern History
African Diaspora in the New World
African Tropics : Food Production 
Agrarian Discontent Among Farmers in late 1800 America 
Alexander the Great
Alexander the Great : Biography 
America a country of liars
American Revolution : Events Leading to
Arab Israeli Wars  
Art : Historic Development 
Articles of Confederation
Atom Bomb : The race to build the A-bomb
Auschwitz : Concentration Camp 
Aztec Indians 
B. B. King the story of his life
Baron Von-Steuben Rev. War General : Biography 
Battle at the Alamo
Black Hero's in our past
Blacks in U. S. Army 
Bosnia's Link to Russia 
Brazil : Human Rights 
Calhoun, John C. : Biography 
Capitalism : Why it does not work
Carnegie, Andrew : Biography 
Champlain, Samuel : A Great Explorer 
China : Communist Rule of Mao Tse Tung 
China : Economic Reform in late 1900's 
China : Power Structure in Communist Gov't 
Civil War  
Civil War : Failure of Reconstruction 
Civil War : Why the North Won 
Civil War Battle : Monitor vs. Merrimack 
Clinton Presidency : What did he do 
Communism : the Containment theory
Confucius : Biography 
 Constitution : a breakdown section by section
Constitution : Limits of Power
 Constitution of the United States
Corporate Development in Industrial U.S. 
Creationism : Debate in Public School 
D - Day : The Landing on Normandy
 Death Penalty Law : Capital Punishment
 Democracy : An Analysis the system
Dred Scott Decision
Drugs : The War on drugs in America
Durer, Albrech Artist : Biography 
Economics : Difference between 2nd and 3rd Waves
Egyptian Foreign Relations to U.S. and Israel  
 English Colonization : the motives for
English Language's Effect on America
 Environmentalism in the Sixties
Eucharist : Christian Ceremony 
 F. D. R. as President
 Feudalism in Southern British Colonies
Food Stamp Program
Ford, Henry : Biography
French Revolution
 Frontier in the United States
 Gambling in the United States
Gangs : Modern Problems 
 Gender Socialization
Greenspan Supreme Court Justice : Biography 
Hiroshima : Dropping of the Atom Bomb
 Hitler and the DAP
 Holocaust : the history of the Jewish Genocide
Homelessness: What has been done?
Immigration : History of American Policy
Immigration and the Future of the U. S.
Indian Removal Act of 1830
 Italian Mafia : An analysis of organized crime
Jack the Ripper
Jack the Ripper : Biography
Jackson, Andrew : Biography 
Jewish History 
Jewish Mythology
Johann Sebastian Bach : Biography 
Judaism vs. Christianity
 Juvenile Delinquency
Kennedy, John F. : Biography 
Kennedy, John F. : Life and Legacy 
Kurt Vonnegut Jr. : Biography 
 Leonardo : A Biography
Liberia : Political and Social History
 Lodz Ghetto life within
Marbury vs. Madison : Supreme Court Case
Margaret Bourke White : A Biography
Marijuana : History of 
Martin Luther King : "I Have a Dream" 
Marx's Communist Theories
Masaccio : The Holy Trinity Artwork 
Meiji Japan : Role of Emperor 
 Middle East Crisis in today's world
Military Aircraft in the 20th Century 
Mitchell : Biography 
 Moral Decline of Nations
National Rifle Association
Nazi Extradition in Post WWII Europe
Olmec Civilization 
Organized Labor Unions 
Palestinian Liberation Organization
Plato & Aristotle's Political Theories
Politics and Religion : History of
 Punk Society in the 80's
 Puritan Contributions in the U.S.A.
 Puritan Life
 Racism in history
 Reform Movement in Judaism
Religion from Historic Perspective 
Republican Ideology during the American Revolution 
Reverse Discrimination : Allan Bakke Case 
 Role of Women in History
Russia : Rule of Communism 
Russia : The Rise of Communism 
 Seminole Indians
Sexual Harassment of Women in the Military
Shakespeare, William : Life of
Snowboarding : History of
 Space Race
 Spanish Colonial Life
 Spanish Imperialism
 Spanish Inquisition
 Talk Shows: Why?
 Temperance : Prohibition in the U.S.A.
Thoreau, Henry David : Biography 
Trudeau : Biography of Canadian Prime Minister
 United States Foreign Policy in the 1800's
 United States in the Late 1900's
 Vietnam: "What War?"
Vikings : History of
Washington, George : Biography 
World War II : The Hellish Accounts of the Soldiers
Wright, Frank Lloyd : Biography
Zimbabwe : Code Development