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Chapter 7: continued

Outlines in the Menubar Editor

This section describes how working with the Frontier Menubar Editor differs from working with ordinary Frontier outlines.

The use of and navigation in a menubar editor is identical to that of any other outline. The differences you should note about the menubar editor are:

Script-Editing Windows

As with menubar-editing windows, script editors operate nearly identically to other outline windows in Frontier, with a few extra issues to consider: When you have entered a script into a script-editing window and you wish to run it from there, you can do so just by clicking on the Run button.

If you want to debug your program -- whether that means simply tracing through its execution to understand it better or looking for an error of some sort -- you can click on the Debug button in the script execution window. That will display debugging options (see Figure 7-44). Debugging is described in Chapter 3.

Figure 7-44. Debugging Options in Script Window

Quick Script Window

The Quick Script window provides a place for you to enter short scripts (usually just one line) and execute them immediately. Just type the text and pres the Enter key or click the Run button. For multi-line scripts, you may it easier to use a normal script window where Frontier's outliner captures the structure of the script. If you do type a multi-line script into Quick Script, you must include extra syntax to indicate the structure: Figure 7-42 shows a small sample script as entered in a script editing window. Figure 7-43 shows the same script as it would be formatted in the Quick Script window.

Figure 7-42. Sample Script in Script-Editing Window

Figure 7-43. Sample Script in Quick Script Window

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HTML formatting by Steven Noreyko January 1996, User Guide revised by UserLand June 1996