Userland Frontier User Guide

Expanded Table of Contents

Short Contents [ Chapters 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 ]
1: Introduction
What's New
How the User Guide is Organized
System Requirements
HTML Formatting
For More Information
[ Top ]

2: Explorer's Guide to Frontier
The Frontier Files
The Main Window
Quick Scripts
Variables, the Object Database, and Tables
Word Processing Windows
Outline Windows
The Menubar Window and Scripts
A Sample Frontier Scripting Session
Creating a Safety Margin Entry
Writing the Script, Step 1
Writing the Script, Step 2
Writing the Script, Step 3
Compiling and Error-Checking the Script
Connecting to a Menu
[ Top ]

3: Writing UserTalk Scripts
Where do I put my Scripts?
Structuring a UserTalk Script
Comments in UserTalk Scripts
Editing a UserTalk Script
Turning a Script Into a Verb
Compiling a UserTalk Script
Running a UserTalk Script
Reusable Code
[ Top ]

4: The UserTalk Language
Repetition, Decisions
Error Handling
Variables in UserTalk
UserTalk Verbs
DocServer Documentation
Documentation in Frontier
UserTalk Operators
UserTalk Datatypes
[ Top ]

5: Scripting Other Applications
How Scripts Control Programs
Control One Application
Integrate Multiple Applications
Frontier Install Scripts
What About My Application?
[ Top ]

6: The Object Database
Organization of the Database
Sub-Tables in root
Special Locations for Scripts
Information On Each Object
Addressing Objects
When You Can Use Partial Object Names
Names Containing Special Characters
Indexed Addressing Alternative
Locating an Object
Finding Text Information
Variables and the Database
Exporting Objects
Importing Objects
Personal Use of the Database
[ Top ]

7: The Frontier Environment
Frontier's Menus
Scripts and the Special Menus
A Word About Terminology
Apple Menu
File Menu
Edit Menu
UserLand Menu
UserLand Menu, continued
Net Menu
Custom Menu
Suites Menu
Window Menu
Dynamic "Object" Menus
Outline Menu
Script Menu
Menubar Menu
Table Menu
WP Menu
Navigating in and Using Frontier's Windows
Table Windows
WP Windows
Outline-Based Windows
Outlines in the Menubar Editor
Script-Editing Windows
Quick Script Window
[ Top ]

8: Scripting the Operating System
The Verb Sets
File Verbs
Finder Verbs
Launch Verbs
Speaker Verbs
System Verbs
Example: Alias Maker
[ Top ]

9: Desktop Scripts
An Overview of Desktop Scripts
A Closer Look
Count Word Files
Recently Changed Files
Customizing Desktop Scripts
Counting Other Kinds of Files
Using a Folder's Date as a Starting Point
Creating Desktop Scripts
[ Top ]

10: Suites and Agents
Example: Activity Tracker Suite
Describing the Desired Functionality
Defining the Needed Scripts
Defining and Building the Menu
Write the Needed Scripts
Attaching Scripts to the Menu
Create Needed Objects
Testing the Suite
Adding the Suite to a Menu
Testing Launch from Menu
Saving the Modified Root
Example: Appointment Reminder
Sharing Scripts
[ Top ]


HTML formatting by Steven Noreyko January 1996, User Guide revised by UserLand June 1996