HTML Beginners Section


Hyper-Text Markup Language is the language used for writing pages for the World Wide Web. HTML Editors assist the author by providing buttons and icons that insert the necessary tags. This category of editors is for those specifically designed for the new html author.

Also see Beginner, Text Based, and Advanced, for the full spectrum of HTML Editors.

Hot Dog Express Download Now!

  • Version Number: 1.09
  • Revision Date: December 11, 1997
  • File Name: hdexpress.exe
  • Byte Size: 4,501,880
  • License: 14 day demo
  • HomePage:
  • NT Compatible: Yes
  • Description: HotDog Express lets you create and upload a cool looking Web page in four simple steps. Even someone completely new to the web can use HotDog Express and make a web-page in just five minutes. Now you can have a presence on the web without all the fuss and effort.
    5 Cows

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