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HTML Editors Text Section


Hyper-Text Markup Language is the language used for writing pages for the World Wide Web. HTML Editors assist the author by providing buttons and icons that insert the necessary tags. These editors are usually just for the advanced user, they are based on a text interface similar to notepad, without all the features in most html editors like tag insertion and the like. Basically like notepad but tailored with some features you might want to edit html files.

Also see Text Based and Advanced, for the full spectrum of HTML Editors.

A Greener PastureDownload Now!

  • Version Number: 1
  • Revision Date: March 3, 1997
  • File Name:
  • Byte Size: 202,516
  • License: Shareware ($5.00)
  • Homepage:
  • Description: A nice text-based HTML editor with added functionality in the menu items. It has several premade javascripts, a frame wizard that's actually quite nice, and all in under one meg!
    4.5 Cows

Mini NoteTabDownload Now!

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