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Arc                      Draws an Arc

 Arc(X,Y,Degrees,Radius,Color : Integer);                             [XG/TP]

    Draws an arc starting at (X,Y) through an angle of Degrees, with a
    radius of Radius, using Color.

             X,Y    Screen coordinates (Column, Row); starting location of
                    arc in units of pixels.

         Degrees    Angle in degrees; if positive, arc goes clockwise;
                    otherwise, counterclockwise.

          Radius    Radius of arc in pixels.

           Color    Color of arc; 0..3 selects appropriate color from
                    palette (See Palette); -1 selects color from color
                    translation table (See ColorTable).

          Notes:    The extended graphics external declaration file
                    GRAPH.P must be included to use this procedure.

                    The video display must be in graphics mode before this
                    procedure is called.

  -------------------------------- Example ---------------------------------

           {$I GRAPH.P }

           GraphMode;               { go into 320x200 mode }
           Arc(80,100,180, 80,1);   { draw rising sun }
           Draw(0,100,319,100,1);   { and the horizon }

See Also: Circle Palette ColorTable Draw GraphMode
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