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Pattern                  Sets a Pattern for Filling Areas

 Pattern(Patt : array[0..7] of Byte);                                 [XG/TP]

    Sets the pattern to be used by the FillPattern procedure. The
    parameter Patt defines an 8 x 8 pixel pattern, with each byte
    representing 1 horizontal line in the pattern. Patt[0] is the top row
    and the most significant bit of Patt[0] is the leftmost point in that

            Patt    Pattern (8 x 8) for filling area on screen.

  -------------------------------- Example ---------------------------------

      If the pattern that is desired is as follows:

                                            Hex Values
                      * * * * . . . .           $F0
                      * * * * . . . .           $F0
                      * * * * . . . .           $F0
                      * * * * . . . .           $F0
                      . . . . * * * *           $0F
                      . . . . * * * *           $0F
                      . . . . * * * *           $0F
                      . . . . * * * *           $0F

             Pat = array[0..7] of Byte;

           const                    { used for typed constant }
             Checkers : Pat = ($F0,$F0,$F0,$F0,$0F,$0F,$0F,$0F);

             GraphMode;                             { 320x200 mode }
             Pattern(Checkers);                     { set pattern  }
             FillPattern(80,48,111,79,1);           { fill area    }

See Also: FillPattern
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