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ParamStr                 Returns Parameters from the Command Line

 ParamStr(Which : Integer) : <string>;                                   [TP]

    Returns the given parameter from the command line. ParamStr(1) is the
    first parameter, ParamStr(2) is the second, etc. If running within
    Turbo Pascal, the command line can be set with the Parameters command
    within the compiler Options menu. If running from the MS-DOS prompt,
    the command line consists of any text following the name of the file
    being executed.

           Note:    Tabs and spaces are parameter separators. Redirection
                    and Piping are handled by the operating system and
                    this information is not passed to the program.

  -------------------------------- Example ---------------------------------

           { Display the command line parameters one at a time }
           for I := 1 to ParamCount do
             Writeln (ParamStr(I));

See Also: ParamCount
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