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ICONS supported in resource files.

  Just like MS Windows, MEWEL now supports the use of icons in the resource
file. The LoadIcon() function functions like the MS Windows version; it
will try to load an icon from the binary resource file.

  You can use the following statement in your RC files :

        iconname ICON iconfile

"iconname" is a symbolic or numeric identifier for the icon. It should be
above the number 10 if you are using a numeric id. "iconfile" is the name
of an external binary file where the icon header and the icon pattern are
defined. You can modify the file ICONGEN.C to create your own icon and
dump it to a file.

Once the resource compiler sees an ICON statement, it reads the icon
file and stores the icon information inside of the compiled resource
file. You can then use LoadIcon() to load the icon and DrawIcon() to
display it.

See Also: LoadIcon
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