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The WNDCLASS structure has been redefined

Version  3.1 Adds more MS Windows compatiblity to the WNDCLASS structure.

  The WNDCLASS structure is now defined like this :

typedef struct wndClass
  struct wndClass *next;
  DWORD  style;                     /* style bits                     */
  long (PASCAL *lpfnWndProc)();     /* pointer to window proc         */
  long (PASCAL *lpfnDefWndProc)();
  int    cbClsExtra;                /* # of extra bytes for the class */
  int    cbWndExtra;                /* # of extra bytes per window    */
  char   *lpszClassName;            /* the class name                 */
  char   *lpszBaseClass;            /* the name of the base class     */
  WORD   idClass;
  WORD   idBaseClass;               /* the id of the derived class    */
  WORD   idLowestClass;
  /* Windows compatibility */
  HANDLE  hInstance;
  HICON   hIcon;
  HCURSOR hCursor;
  HBRUSH  hbrBackground;
  LPSTR   lpszMenuName;

We changed the names of some of the fields to the same names as Windows.
We also added several other fields which Windows uses. Of these new fields,
the use the hbrBackground and lpszMenuName are supported.

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