Programming theory and various textfiles

The notation 'ASP' indicates the program complies with the
standards of the Association of Shareware Professionals.

ACCESS01.ZIP Microsoft's list of bugs/workarounds for ACCESS. There are thirty text files in this archive. Please read ACCBUG.TXT first.
ACCGAG1.ZIP How to see the secret gag file and credits in MS access
ACES.ZIP How to obtain the ada compiler evaluation system (aces)
ADACPL.ZIP Overview of u.s. air force report ada and c++: a business case analysis
ADAIC.ZIP Ada Information Clearinghouse Products & Services
AI-ADA.ZIP Artificial Intelligence and Ada
ALAWPC1.ZIP A-Law, u-Law to Linear PCM coverting tables
ALGORITM.ZIP Example of various sort algorithms (source)
ALIFE.ZIP Synthetic Life (Evolving computer worms)
ALSPS.ZIP Autolisp tutorials.
ANSI_TUT.ZIP Using the ANSI driver
ANSICODE.ZIP ANSI codes dimystified
ANSIX364.ZIP About the ANSI & VT100 standard
ARTNOTE1.ZIP Notes about doing art on the computer by Dave Seah
ASCII.ZIP Proper names for ASCII characters
ASCIIVAL.ZIP Meaning of all ASCII chars
ASRUH.ZIP ADA software repository user's handbook
AUTHOR.ZIP Dr. dobb's journal author guidelines
AUTHWN07.ZIP A list of reachable windows authors on the internet
AVATAR.ZIP Avatar. History and code description
AWK.ZIP A supplemental document for awk - or - things al, pete, and brian didn't mention much
AVOID_GW.ZIP A simple way to detect game wizard
BALLI.ZIP Ballistic calculation
BETTER.ZIP Better-C (tm) Double Your Productivity or Your Money Back! Pressreleases for a new development system
CAPATS.ZIP Patents referring to Cellular Automata
CGDA.ZIP CGDA (Computer Game Developers Association) Report - Premier
CLOSED_1.ZIP Algorithm to create a closed surface from random points
CMPLRTUT.ZIP Compiler writer tutorial
CMPLTUT2.ZIP Compiler tutorial part 2
CMPLTUT3.ZIP Lets build a compiler, tutorial
COLORSYS.ZIP Lots of color system theories
COLR.ZIP Guide lines for effective color terminal usage
COMDEFS.ZIP Data processing definitions
COMMAP.ZIP Commercial Applications in Ada
COMPDEV.ZIP Some thoughts on the developement of personal computers
COMPILE.ZIP Compilers and how they work
COMRAP.ZIP Guide to remote database systems
CONREC.ZIP Conrec - contouring subroutine by paul bourke (text/code)
CORDIC.ZIP A new way to calculate 3D rotations
CRC.ZIP A painless guide to crc error detection algorithms
CS.ZIP Client/Server crash course in WinHelp format
DEBUG.ZIP The PC debug tutorial
DEVELOP.ZIP Recommendations for programmers and software engineers.
DITHER2.ZIP Dithering techniques
DMA_RTI.ZIP How to program the DMA - by Night Stalker
DOJ_V_MI.ZIP Antitrust vs. Microsoft: Who Won?
DSRS.ZIP Defense software repository system
ENDIAN.ZIP Big endian and little endian explained
EQUATION.ZIP Space ship related equations
FASTPOLY.ZIP Why its faster to fill with CPU than blitter
FDP1.ZIP Freedom of dataprocessing #1
FDP2.ZIP Freedom of dataprocessing #2
FORMUL.ZIP Useful computer formulas
FSM.ZIP Modeling Sprite Animation Using Finite State Automata
GFXHINTS.ZIP Some hints on how to improve your graphics
GLSBOX.ZIP Glass Box Testing: Techniques for Preventing Software Bugs
GNU-CODI.ZIP The GNU coding standard
GOMOKU.ZIP Go-moku (5-in-a-row) and threat-space search - black wins
HISTAD.ZIP The history of ada
HUNG14.ZIP Hungarian Programming Notation Standard
HUNGARI.ZIP Hungarian Notation (programming style)
IBMDOS.ZIP IBM programmers reference guide
IEEE_VR.ZIP Interactive Collision Detection
INET03.ZIP Software Distribution On The Internet - A Primer
INVENTER.ZIP Inventers Guide - The Complete How-To tells you what to do with your idea, how to copyright or pantent your idea. How to do patent searches, plus much more.
JPEG.ZIP How does JPEG work?
KEYBOARD.ZIP INFO: How to detect Key Press/Releases
LANGUAGE.ZIP Collection about 2000 computer languages
MAZE_FAQ.ZIP Maze FAQ - sources, theory
MEMCHIP.ZIP About the IBM-PC memory system
MORPH.ZIP Discussion about the Morph Technique
NAMING.ZIP Program Identifier Naming Conventions
ODTJ9305.ZIP Opendoors C Communication Library Newsletter.
PAGING_G.ZIP The paging game, Memory paging explained for idiots
PEEKPOKE.ZIP Peeks and pokes on IBM PCs
PENTIUM2.ZIP Pentium programmers info
POSTSCRI.ZIP What is postscript? tutorial
PROBLEM.ZIP Problem solving flowchart
PROFRE1.ZIP Programming Freedom - online edition, Volume I Number 1
PROFRE2.ZIP Programming Freedom - online edition, Volume I Number 2
PROFRE3.ZIP Programming Freedom - online edition, Volume I Number 3
PROFRE4.ZIP Programming Freedom - online edition, Volume I Number 4
PROFRE5.ZIP Programming Freedom - online edition, Volume I Number 5
PROFRE6.ZIP Programming Freedom - online edition, Volume I Number 6
PROFRE7.ZIP Programming Freedom - online edition, Volume I Number 7
PROFRE8.ZIP Programming Freedom - online edition, Volume I Number 8
PROGBOOK.ZIP The Programmers' Booklist
PROGREF.ZIP The pc programmers reference v0.02b, ng file
PROGSS.ZIP Notes on programming the Disney sound source
PROTOCOL.ZIP Interview with the MNP protocol author
PROTOLO.ZIP Protolo, a futuristic object-code format
QBASGDC1.ZIP Game design course by Andre Van Wyk (pacman && RPG - Qbasic)
REMOVE.ZIP The crusade to get rid of ADA programming
REVPOLNO.ZIP Understanding reverse polish notation
ROMBIOS.ZIP PC rombios service summary
RTOS.ZIP Important Aspects of Real-Time Operating Systems
RUMOR.ZIP A collection of computer technology stories
SPR_ANIM.ZIP A method for sprite animation
SQGTST.ZIP Software Quality Guild: Testing Guidelines
SQL.ZIP SQL lecture notes
STEAL.PDF How To Steal Code or Inventing The Wheel Only Once Much is said about ``standing on other people's shoulders, not their toes'', but in fact the wheel is re-invented every day in the Unix/C community. Worse, often it is re-invented badly, with bumps, corners, and cracks. There are ways of avoiding this: some of them bad, some of them good, most of them under-appreciated and under-used.
TAOPROG.ZIP The TAO of programming
TRICKS.ZIP How to see the hidden screens in many programs
UTVPROJ.ZIP Writing exceptional software
VAL-CO.ZIP Ada validated compilers list
WRITPROG.ZIP How to program
ZEN.ZIP ZEN and the art of software documentation

Object Oriented Programming

ACTORTUT.ZIP Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming
C2CPP.ZIP How to convert your existing investment in C code to object oriented C code automatically.
EMBED-.ZIP Ada in Embedded and Real-Time Systems
LANGUA.ZIP Evaluating "Object-Oriented" Programming Languages
METHOD.ZIP Object-Oriented Methodologies
OO_LIT.ZIP Book List - All On OOP Programming.
OOD.ZIP Object-Oriented Design: An Introduction
OODIAT.ZIP The critique of object orientation A technical diatribe
OOPS.ZIP Object Oriented programming
OORA.ZIP Object-Oriented Requirements Analysis: An Introduction
OORULE.ZIP Few tips on object oriented design && programming in c++
OOTEVA.ZIP OOA Tool Evaluation
READIN.ZIP Readings In Object-Oriented Technology
WHATOOP.PDF What is ``Object-Oriented Programming''?

Shareware files

ASP_RE.ZIP ASP Resource Guide. Packed with many valuable references for services, products, books, printing, consulting, and other classes. Last update: 2/93
ASP501.ZIP Official master catalog of shareware products published by members of the Association of Shareware Professionals (ASP) and available on BBSs. Describes each product and in many cases identifies a specific BBS where you can download it. Products grouped by subject and cross-referenced to authors' addresses. (See corresponding UPDxxxx.ZIP update file, too.) 4th vol., 29th ed.,
ASPBBS65.ZIP Asp bbs membership listing - edition #65 - 05/20/96. this is the listing of all 286 ASP approved BBS systems. The ASP recommends ASP Approved BBS systems as one of the best sources of high quality, up-to-date shareware programs. Contains two files: A full listing with detailed information about each BBS, and a file formatted for printing mailing labels (for those BBSs wanting to receive disks by mail). This file replaces ASPBBS65.ZIP <ASP>
ASSOC45.ZIP ASP associate member application kit includes standards for Associate Membership for User Groups, Press Members, Probationary Authors and Friends of Shareware.
BBSTIP12.ZIP Effective Shareware distribution via the BBS channel v1.2. This text describes ways to get widespread BBS distribution for your Shareware, and how to package it so that the maximum number of Sysops post it, and people download it.
CRIPPLE.ZIP Experience of a Shareware Author
CU20.ZIP Crippled listing of 1629 PD/Shareware C/C++ products
FTAUTHI.ZIP All software authors, publishers, marketers, etc. should read this! $FTAUTHI.EXE is a self running text file describing an easy method of distributing most any software or hardware product professionally, for very little cost. Ideal for the shareware author or publisher wishing to accept "800" orders and Visa, MasterCard, Discover, American Express cards. The cost is suprisingly low (about 15%), and much less than the traditional "channel".
GAMEDEV1.ZIP Alternative Marketing Methods: Self-publishing via Shareware and Low-Cost Retail
GUIDE.ZIP Shareware programmer's guide
PROGUIDE.ZIP Programmer's Guide: Tips on writing Shareware
SAUCS1.ZIP Shareware Author & User Case Study Answers questions that shareware authors often ask, such as what motivates users to register, what prevents them from doing so, how much they are willing to pay, how to get one's program "out there", whether or not crippling/nagging works, how long users take to evaluate programs before paying, etc ... Answers are based on survey responses from shareware users and successful authors.
SHAREBK.ZIP The ShareWare Book -- First Edition <ASP> A Whole Earth Catalog for software developers Tips, tools and techniques for successful shareware marketing & development. Includes market research, publicity, getting paid, distribution, resources, product protection, registration encouragement, trademarks, copyrights, licensing, channel management, business issues, support, taxes, manuals, packaging, shipping, international trade.
SHAREWRE.ZIP The concept "ShareWare"...
SUT56.ZIP The Shareware users tutorial -- Version 5.6 Learn how to use shareware! Beginners guide. Determine what is on a disk, run a program, how to unpack and unarchive, commonly asked questions, a short DOS review course, shortcuts, using filenames and extensions, locating documentation on disk. Even includes a short pop quiz to test your shareware survival skills. Detailed.
VENDOR.ZIP Asp approved vendor list <asp> list of asp approved disk vendors.
VGUIDE.ZIP Vguide-vendor startup guide <asp> 46 pages of useful information for a startup shareware disk vendor.
WIN501.ZIP Windows & OS/2 specific catalog of shareware published by members of the Association of Shareware Professionals (ASP) and available on BBSs. Describes each product and in many cases identifies a specific BBS where you can download it. Products grouped by subject and cross-referenced to authors' addresses. (See corresponding WUPDxxxx.ZIP update file, too.) 4th vol., 29th ed., published 05/01/1996
VNDAPP.ZIP ASP Vendor Membership Application Kit
WW_PSNV4.ZIP "Who's Who In Shareware" directory is a useful index of the people and companies involved in the shareware industry. Includes authors, vendors, sysops of multi-line BBS's, columnists and so on. If you are involved in the shareware industry, you can obtain a free listing. A free service of Pinnacle Software, developers of the Sapphire BBS.
WWIS.ZIP This directory is an index of the people and companies involved in the shareware industry. It includes authors, vendors, sysops, columnists, and so on. Anybody involved in the shareware industry is eligible for a free listing in the direc- tory. Freeware ... from Pinnacle Software!

Math sourcecodes

APM.ZIP Arbitrary precision math (apm) library - (c src)
CEPHES22.ZIP Cephes mathematical function library - 400 routines (c)
C-EVAL.ZIP Ee expression evaluator by m.morley - (c)
EXPR.ZIP Expression evaluator
FIXFLOA1.ZIP Fix-Float 1.1 - fixed point (16+16) math library, 386+ (watcom)
INTERP11.ZIP Arithmetic expression interpreter in C
MATRX042.ZIP Small Matrix Toolbox for C programmers 0.42 (C)
NRPAS13.ZIP "Numerical Recipes in Pascal" source code (400+ files)
R250.ZIP R250 random number generator (linear shift) (C)
RANDOM-C.ZIP Marsaglia-zaman random number generator (2^144 period) - (c)