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Questions Frequently Asked of Team Ghiblink

or: Questions We've Already Answered

Before you send your questions to Team Ghiblink, please read this page. Someone has probably already asked the same question, and we don't want you to wait for us to answer a question that has already been answered here.

"I would like to work for Studio Ghibli, tell me how."
Team Ghiblink is a group of fans. We do not represent Studio Ghibli. If you wish to contact Studio Ghibli, try
"How can I become an animator?"
We are not a studio. We are fans. We don't have information about how to become an animator. You may wish to contact Studio Ghibli with your questions.
"How do I contact Studio Ghibli?"
You can find their e-mail and postal address at
"How can I buy Miyazaki's anime in my country?"
Please visit our Shopping FAQ for more information.
"How can I buy merchandise (soundtracks, toys, bags, shirts, etc.) from Miyazaki's films?"
Please visit our Shopping FAQ for more information.
"I love your films, Mr. Miyazaki -- please don't retire!"
Your e-mail to us will not reach Mr. Miyazaki. There is no connection between us and Studio Ghibli. If you want to contact Studio Ghibli, try
"Did you make the film (xxxx)?"
Answer #1: we are not Studio Ghibli -- we do not make films.
Answer #2: please see the Miyazaki Films page, the Takahata Films page, or the Other Films page for more information about what films we have information about here.
"Can you send me a copy of film (xxxx)?"
No, we do not sell or redistribute tapes. We are a fan organization, not a company. Please consult our Shopping Guide for information about where you can purchase these films.
"I can't find the answer to my question here. Where can I find more answers?"
We're glad you asked! Try the Answers to Frequently Asked Questions page, a collection of FAQs.

 [Free Speech Online!]
These pages brought to you by Team Ghiblink.