|| Nausicaa.net | Eolo Project | Team Eolo | volunteering/feedback ||

Gathered in the light of The Eolo Project, we are:

Team Eolo

Members of the German group
Borgwardt, Michael: borgward@informatik.tu-muenchen.de
Schubert, Karsten: y0000496@ws.rz.tu-bs.de
Twen, Sasha: sasha@netcologne.de
Members of the French group
De Doncker, Olivier: odd@skynet.be
Bernier, Patrick  
Galle, Michel: michel.galle@wanadoo.fr
Goetzinger, Frédéric goetzif9@CTI.ECP.FR
Goupil, Sylvain: yashao@rocketmail.com
Members of the Portuguese group
Sano, Walter Tsuyoshi: wtsano@yahoo.com
Members of the Spanish group
Alejandro Takeda: takeda@movi.com.ar

Questions, comments, suggestions - contact us: eolo@nausicaa.net

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