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Mailing List

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Welcome to the mailing list for the Anime Press Kit project.

To reach a human being

If you're here to find out who to contact about this site or the mailing list, send e-mail to the address presskit-owner@nausicaa.net

To reach the list owners

Same thing: Send e-mail to the address presskit-owner@nausicaa.net

To subscribe

We've just started, but you'll be able to track our on our mailing list: presskit@nausicaa.net. To subscribe, send the word "subscribe" via e-mail to the address presskit-request@nausicaa.net.

To unsubscribe

To remove yourself from the mailing list, send the word "unsubscribe" via e-mail to the address presskit-request@nausicaa.net.

Acceptable behavior

The rules for acceptable behavior will be the same as for the Miyazaki mailing list.

Allowable topics of discussion are outlined in the mission statement.

To read the message archives

See http://www.nausicaa.net/presskit/mailing-list/archives/.

To post messages

Send messages to presskit@Nausicaa.net.

To learn how to use the list server

See the Listar home page, or send the word 'help' via e-mail to the address listar@nausicaa.net.

More Information

Press Kit mail archives

Listar: the mailing list server

The Miyazaki Mailing List

Mailing List

Anime Press Kit Project

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