Part three

Akane snorted when she found Ranma hiding in the forest, his back to a tree. "Coward," she taunted. "You can't even show anyone you're scared, can you?" She sat down next to him.
"I'm not scared," Ranma defensively replied. I'm just...worried."
Akane saw that he was. She'd never seen him so shaken up. It softened her to see him so vulnerable. Like an ordinary person. Hesitantly, she placed her hand on his shoulder. "I have faith in you, Ranma."
"You do?" he said, lighting up. "You think I can win?"
Akane shifted her eyes uncomfortably. "Yes," she admitted. "I believe in you."
They looked at each other. It was as if the whole area surrounding them was charged with electricity. They gazed into each other's eyes. Ranma slowly bent his head down to her and Akane tilted her face upward...just before Ranma caught an arrow about to hit the tree beside them. Embarrassed, they both broke away.
"Geez," Ranma mumbled although his cheeks were flushed. "Can't this guy send a letter through the mail like everybody else?" he unfolded the note attached to the arrow.
Akane was still shaken by their near kiss. However, she managed to ask," What does it say?" She looked over his shoulder.
Ranma glanced at her, a disturbed look in his eye. "Meet me at Dead Man's Drop at midnight."

Dead Man's Drop was Nerima's most infamous spot. It was a cliff jutting above the sea. Aptly named, anyone who fell from such a height would be crushed by the jagged rocks below. What's more, it was very difficult to recover a body from there since waves crashed and covered it. More than a few drunks had already died that way. The first time Ranma had seen the place he'd shuddered. It was one of his greatest fears to die in girl form. It would be as if he'd never existed since his remains wouldn't even be the real him. He would leave the world cursed - forever.
Right now, it was a quarter to midnight and he was still uneasy. He walked with his hands in his pockets, head bent against the wind. His thoughts were in a whirl. He knew - he felt - that this just wasn't about a simple challenge. It wasn't the high stakes that were really bothering him either. It was because he was meeting with destiny. This was the moment he'd been gearing up to for all this time - this was the high point of his life. This would make or break him - heart and soul. So he just had to win - he just had to! With that in mind, he reached Dead Man's Drop. A much different Dead Man's Drop.
Lights were strewn around the few trees in the area, making it seem almost as bright as day. Everyone he knew, including some he didn't, were walking around munching popcorn or cotton candy. There was an almost...festive air.
"Nabiki!" he said, stalking over to her. She was sitting in a booth selling refreshments. "What's all this?"
"Hello, want a ticket?" she inquired, flashing him her best smile.
"Ticket?! Let me see that," he muttered grabbing the piece of paper. "Watch Ranma Saotome get pounded by Nakido Okamoto: 1000 yen," he read. He gaped at Nabiki, his eyes shooting out sparks. "What are you doing to me?!" he wailed.
"Just making a little money on the side," Nabiki cheerily replied. She took the ticket back from his outstretched hand. "Don't worry; no charge for you." She shooed him away.
Dumbstruck, he went. He heard Shampoo, Ukyo and Kodachi wish him luck along with a few of his classmates; Mousse, Ryoga and Kuno wished him just the opposite. Snapping out of his daze, he looked around. His father, the Tendos ( minus Nabiki ), Happosai and Cologne were all standing to one side. He even noticed Gosungkugi skulking around ( after all he was hard to miss, what with the candles strapped to his head ).
Ranma had considered being late on purpose to psych out the opponent but had decided not to at the last moment. Looking around, he was glad he had. Then Ranma waited.
No one saw him arrive. One moment, he wasn't there; another, he was. He was as silent as death and the comparison sent chills down the spines of all present. "Ready to fight?" he addressed Ranma.
"Now wait a sec," Ranma told him. "Look, you don't know how many challenges I receive in a week, so can't we this through?"
Nakido laughed coldly. "What an interesting concept. He stopped laughing abruptly. "Fight," he uttered.
Ranma propelled himself into a flying kick which Nakido easily avoided. Ranma had expected that so he veered his leg to the left. Nakido caught it before it hit him on the head and threw it up so that Ranma would land headfirst. Ranma handsprung and landed on his feet. He attacked Nakido with "Tenshin amugariken!!!" but Nakido blocked every punch. Nakido let out a powerful kick which Ranma avoided by somersaulting on his outstretched leg. Ranma stomped on his head before landing on the ground.
Nakido looked confused. "That was an unusual move," he said.
"Yeah, well I'm full of surprises," Ranma boasted dryly. He leaped up, legs spread, as Nakido attempted to kick him again. "Tell me," he continued, countering the blows coming from his opponent, "why are you really doing all this? Do I piss you off that bad?"
Nakido smiled briefly, the light never reaching his eyes. "For years I trained under my father's tutelage. I vowed to avenge the wrongs done unto him by becoming the best, the only best. You are an obstacle in my path. Therefore you must be eliminated at all costs."
As if to prove his point, he flew into a succession of kicks, all aimed at vulnerable places. Ranma was fast...but not fast enough. He was hit in the jaw and abdomen. He fell down but immediately got up again.
The crowd was spellbound watching the match. They had never seen anyone move so fast before - much less two people. The fight would go down in history as something quite legendary - a tale passed down from generation to generation. Now, they watched as Ranma rushed at Nakido, arms extended. Nakido calmly stepped backward as Ranma made scissorlike motions that would have been very painful if it had touched him. Nakido reached in and grabbed Ranma's arms. Raising them up, he planted a solid kick at Ranma's stomach.
"Ack!!!" Ranma moaned as he as flung back. It was a good thing that a rock was there to break his fall or he would have fallen off the cliff. He looked up dizzily to find Nakido almost atop him. He raised his leg just in time but Nakido actually balanced on it. Ranma heaved his leg and Nakido sprang off it. Ranma slowly picked himself up, wiping the dirt from his face.
The two eyed each other warily. "I must give you credit for making this the most interesting match I've fought," Nakido arrogantly commented. His silver eyes hardened sinisterly. "But it's taken too much of my time already. Time to finish you off."
"Well let's have it then!" Ranma snarled. "Or have you come all for nothing?"
Nakido charged, punching and kicking alternately. Ranma dodged and blocked but realized that he was wearing down; if he didn't do something quickly he was sure to lose sooner or later. Nakido, on the other hand, showed no signs of tiring. In fact, he didn't even seem to be sweating.
Ranma let out a kick but it was way off. Nakido took advantage of his exposed position to slam him right in the ribs. Ranma let himself fall then crouched and swung out his leg to make Nakido lose his balance. He almost got away with it but Nakido realized what he was trying to do and jumped up at the last minute. He pushed Ranma's head down further with his foot.
"Why not give up now, Saotome?" Nakido arrogantly sneered. "And save yourself the trouble?"
Ranma pushed himself up angrily. "Never!!!" he violently vowed. "Whatever it takes, I'll never let you win!" He stood up shakily and Akane saw that Look again.
Akane gasped, horrified. It finally dawned on her what that look meant and why it had bothered her so. Ranma had meant every word he'd said; he really would do anything in his power to insure that Nakido wouldn't win. Even...??? She watched, stricken, as Ranma twirled himself in the air performing high kicks. Nakido backflipped and caught Ranma's leg between his own to send him flying facefirst to the ground. Ranma got up at once, steely determination on his face.
Akane suddenly noticed that they were very close to the edge of the cliff. If Ranma rushed at Nakido right then and there they would both topple off. As in slow motion, Akane saw Ranma gearing up, getting ready to charge. She wanted to shout out but it was as if the words couldn't get past her throat. She couldn't let him - she just couldn't - she'd die as well - she had to - "Ranma don't do it!!!" she cried, raw emotion evident in her voice. "Ranma, I-I love you!" she beseeched, her eyes blurring with tears.
Ranma turned to look at her, conflicting emotions crossing his features. Disbelief, surprise, joy, pride but ultimately - the look was one of love returned.
Nine lives were changed forever.

Gosungkugi sighed. He knew he had no chance with Akane now. He threw away the straw dolls he'd been torturing in hopes of injuring Ranma. He too off his "hat" and blew out the candles. He dejectedly walked away.

Kodachi Kuno watched the scene with a sickened expression. She suddenly decided she'd lost interest in Ranma. She needed someone more willing to do her bidding anyway, she reasoned. She scanned the crowd for a possible victim and her eyes lit on Gosungkugi. She ran up to him.
"Hikaru," she purred, " you've been a loyal servant for us all these years. Maybe we should," she winked suggestively, "get to know each other better."
Gosungkugi made a strangled sound.

Tatewaki Kuno bowed his head in resignation. He'd begun to accept a long time ago that Akane and the pig-tailed girl ( who Ranma controlled so completely ) would never be his. Perhaps? He looked up and was shocked to find someone harassing Nabiki Tendo. He was at her side in an instant, bokken drawn. "Be gone, you fiend," he cried.
The boy, who had just been asking for change, ran off terrified.
Nabiki looked at him admiringly, a faint flush coloring her cheeks. "Why thank you, Kuno baby," she said.
The two exchanged slow, meaningful smiles. Kuno decided to let Nabiki date him.

Shampoo's face was etched with pain and sorrow but her Amazon conditioning prevented her from crying. So she held her head up bravely, proudly, though inside her heart was breaking.
Mousse glanced tenderly at the woman who'd stolen his heart and who was now trying to be strong. He tentatively put an arm around her, half-expecting her to fling him as she usually did.
She didn't resist.
Mousse raised his eyes to the sky, thanking the gods. It was a start.

Ukyo broke into tears and ran blindly into the forest.
Ryoga watched her go. Slowly, he turned he turned on his heel and followed her, hands in his pockets, eyes downcast. He found her hunched against a rock, crying her heart out. He crouched down next to her, wishing he knew what to say.
"You loved Akane too, didn't you?" she asked between sobs.
Ryoga hung his head. "I loved - I love Akane," he confessed.
Ukyo turned to look at him and their eyes met. Something clicked, as if something was finally coming into place. They embraced, giving the comfort and support the other needed.

The final two were still gazing at each other. Ranma broke into a grin full of hope and confidence. Don't worry Akane, he cockily said. He turned to Nakido, his grin growing wider. He felt the chi growing inside his body. "Now you're in for it, Nako," he mocked his opponent by using a pet name.
Nakido watched him apprehensively. "What is he doing?" he muttered to himself.
Ranma concentrated, letting the chi surge through him. An energy ball began to form on his fingertips. "Mouko takabisha!!!" he cried, hurling the huge energy ball at Nakido. It was the most powerful blast he'd ever created.
Nakido's eyes widened in panic. "No!!!" he wailed before he was blasted several feet away.
Then there was silence.
Ranma panted, too tired to cheer.
Akane ran up to him and flung her arms around his neck. "You did it, Ranma, you did it!" she exclaimed ecstatically.
Ranma smiled and put his arms around her.
"I-I lost," they heard someone moan. They broke apart in surprise.
Nakido rose, smoke coming off him in some parts. His clothes were torn and his face bloodied. "I lost," he repeated, anguish and remorse in his voice. He yelled and brought out the thin blade Ranma and Akane had seen before. "Father, I've failed you!" he cried.
To the horrified screams of the lookers-on, he jumped off the cliff. "Father!!!" they heard him yell before the world was filled with blinding white light. Akane and Ranma shielded their eyes. When they looked again Nakido was gone. Gone forever.
And the waves crashed against the rocks.


Akane found Ranma on Dead Man's Drop, his back to her. He was looking out into the sea.
"Ranma," she called as she approached. She stood next to him, silently offering him her support.
"I was thinking about Nakido," he told her. He wouldn't meet her gaze. "You know, his father trained him form birth and taught him to care only for the arts. When he lost, he couldn't bear the thought of someone taking it from him. He lost his reason to live." He chuckled bitterly. "Sound like someone you know?"
Akane stared at him, unsure of what to say. "You are not like Nakido, Ranma, " she told him firmly. "You're a better man than he was."
"I know." Ranma faced her, his eyes telling her what he couldn't put into words. "Thank you, Akane. Thank you for giving me a reason to live.
Their lips met in a long, lasting kiss.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: I apologize for changing the ending of Ranma 1/2 altogether. I mean no disrespect to the great literary genius Rumiko Takahashi. This is just something that's been in my head since I first started watching the anime. It's been niggling me for so long that I finally decided to put it into words. Since then, it's expanded into this...

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