>Kodachi laughed maniacally in her labs, her high pitched voice ringing off the walls. *With this potion I will save you, my darling Ranma!*

{SD-Frank}: "Gee..Kodachi seems to be in "labs" a lot in these fics...any relation to Washu, ya think?"
[SD Justy]: " I suppose, I'll ask her when I go home."

>She held up a vial and began adding a powder to it. She smiled as the liquid inside changed color. She picked up another vial. *And this one will end the meddlesome Akane Tendo!

{SD-Frank}: "Look! It's Crystal Pepsi! That's pretty toxic stuff."
[SD Justy]: " Heh, you've suffered it too."
{SD-Frank}: "It's almost like that Crystal Unleaded gasoline.. :p"

> My apologies, dear brother.*

{SD-Frank}: "At least she said she was sorry..."
[SD Justy]: " Yes, most contrite."

>Suddenly, the door to her labs burst open, and Kodachi found herself facing a swarm of police in SUMP gear. "This is a raid! Don't even THINK of moving!" Kodachi froze. "Hands over your head!" Kodachi complied, her mind reeling. *What is this? It must be a mistake.*

{SD-Frank}: "They're filming the Japanese version of "Cops"! All right! Why isn't Kodachi's face all blocked out?"
[SD Justy]: " Man, if she's wearing her leotard, I wonder how many of Tokyo's finest are sporting nose bleeds."

>A plain clothed detective walked in and began examining her equipment. He picked up a vial and gave it a light sniff, and his eyes widened. "It seems our informant was right! We do have a little operation going on here." He turned to Kodachi. "You, young lady, are in VERY deep trouble."

{SD-Frank}: "I told you. That damn Crystal Pepsi. It was a crime to even think of it, much less manufacture it..."

>He turned to another officer. "You know the drill. Take her >in."

{SD-Frank}: "Book 'em, Takahashi.."
[SD Justy]: " Personally... Book 'em, Rumiko... is closer to the target."

>Ukyo looked at the mail. "Bill...bill...bill...crap...more crap... bill...crap..letter from home!"

{SD-Frank}: "A crap letter from home? O_o"
[SD Justy]: " Can't get enough of that home grown chit."

>She tore open the letter and started to read. "Oh, no." She crumpled the letter. "Konatsu!"

>"Yes, Ukyo-sama?"

{SD-Frank}: "Isn't it 'Ukyou-sama'"?
[SD Justy]: " Ug, that freaking 'U' is a pain in the ass, when are you 'experts' gonna make up your mind."
{SD-Frank}: "Are you kidding? The experts _never_ make up their minds. ^_^"

>"There's a family emergency, so I have to go on a trip for a while. You're going to have to run the restaurant until I come back." She she turned to go to her room and gather her belongings.

{SD-Frank}: *bad joke mode* "And I'm sure she had to "she she hokoudan" outta there too! BWAHAHA! Get it? She she? Shishi Hokoudan? C'mon, I can hear you breathing out there..."
[SD Justy]: *looks... listens to his popcorn*
"What's that? Put you out of your misery? OK..." *chomps popcorn*
{SD-Frank}: "Aw, it wasn't _that_ bad...^_^;;;"

>"Ukyo-sama, what happened?"

>"The family business is going under. There's some new competition in >town and they need me to help them stay afloat."

{SD-Frank}: "Looks like someone tricked Ukyou's dad into giving up the yatai _again_..."

>"What's this new business called?"
>"NT's Okonomiyaki."

{SD-Frank}: "Windows NT Okonomiyaki? Boy, has Microsoft gotten powerful or what? What's next, Windows 98 Okonomiyaki?"
[SD Justy]: *shakes head and gives classic Lurch groan. *

> ***

>The Tendos and the Saotomes ate breakfast together. Ranma shoveled down food and told a story in-between bites. "Shampoo and the ghoul have just packed up and disappeared! According to the guy next to their shop, a lot of police showed up and took them away. I hope they're OK."

{SD-Frank}: "Suuuure you do, Ranma.."

>He had another helping of miso soup. "And Kodachi was apparently >arrested for running a drug lab."

{SD-Frank}: "I.E. an illegal effort to bring back Crystal Pepsi..yech. She deserved to be arrested.."
[SD Justy]: " Its so fun... secretly switching that CP in place of IV fluid, just sit back and watch the fun. "

> He stopped and looked sad. "Kuno's in the hospital undergoing withdrawal. Apparently his sister's been dosing him with her little 'experiments' for so long that he had a physical addiction to some of her ingredients. Poor guy. I mean, he was a nutcase, but I guess it wasn't his fault."

{SD-Frank}: "Well, at least we know Kunou wasn't stoned...or maybe he was...I mean, who would call himself "Blue Thunder" on a whim?"
[SD Justy]: " I wonder if he named himself that after a bad experience on the toilet."
{SD-Frank}: "Diarrhea, cha-cha-cha, Diarrhea..."

> He had some more soup, and looked even sadder. "Ucchan went back to her father. Something about saving the family business from a new competitor. I hope I see her again."

{SD-Frank}: "Yep, ol' Microsoft's a tough monster to fight.."

>Kasumi returned from the front door with the mail. She looked at a small paper wrapped package with no small curiosity. "This must be for you, Mr. Saotome. It's addressed to Mr. and Mrs. Saotome."

{SD-Frank}: "Looks like Nodoka and Genma are the next to be nailed by the fuzz..."
[SD Justy]: " Bestiality in a public place. "

>Genma took the package and removed the letter on the front, still eating. His eyes suddenly widened as he looked at the paper inside, and he turned pale. "What is it, Saotome?" Soun asked. Genma wordlessly handed him the sheet. Soun picked it up and looked at it. "WHAT?!?!" he screamed, and fainted.

{SD-Frank}: "What? No crying? OOC! OOC!"
[SD Justy]: " No ... No... its a dramatic build up."

>Ranma grabbed the letter out of Soun's hand and read it. He choked as his soup went down the wrong pipe, and Akane pounded his back. "What is it, Ranma?" Akane asked.

{SD-Frank}: "He's choking, that's what..."
[SD Justy]: *Doc Tofu mode* " Why that's when an over-sized piece of material gets lodged in your throat."

>"It's a marriage certificate." Ranma said faintly. "Two months old."
>"For whom?" Akane demanded.

[SD Justy]: " Oooh, the suspense..."

>"R-r-Ranma Saotome and A-a-kane T-Tendo," he stuttered. Akane grabbed the paper out of Ranma's hand, and went pale herself.

{SD-Frank}: *crossing his arms, nodding* "And that's the way it's _supposed_ to be!"
[SD Justy]: *crossing his arms, nodding, eyes closed* "mmmmmmm....."

>"It's a trick!" she yelled. "It has to be!" P-Chan took that opportune moment to squeal and faint.

{SD-Frank}: "He waited until the right moment to faint?"
[SD Justy]: "I guess they'll be throwing pork fried rice at the party."

>Nabiki chuckled. Everyone stared at her. "Congratulations, you two. Today is your two month anniversary. How do you feel?" She smiled beautifically into everyone's horror-filled stares.

{SD-Frank}: "Yeah! GO NABIKI-SAMA! Thata girl...!"
[SD Justy]: " Woohoo! "

*screen goes black*

{SD-Frank}: "Huh? That's it? Oh well..onto the review! Well, the title really caught my eye - and I was hoping to see more of Nabiki in this fic Unfortunately I was disappointed. After the mention in the first scene, we see nothing of her until the very end (Justy is gonna be all over the author for this one). I mean, it was fairly predictable, from title and first scene, who had done everything, so why not leave off the mystery of the anonymous source? ^_^. Now, personal involvement would have made the most of Nabiki's skills. ^_^

Also, you may have eliminated the fiancees, but what about Ryouga? Gosunkugi? Kunou's still in the hospital, but you can be sure he'd be up and out, drugged up or no, to duel Ranma because of this. I mean, seeing as it's a short story, it's OK, but it could have used a little more padding around the edges. On the positive side, things seemed pretty IC, and the concept was nice. It just needed more development. Justy?

[SD Justy]: " I agree on the Nabiki bit, though I do understand. Blast, No I don't !! This was hand written for Nabiki to act out those parts! @&%&!!#@, but no. He wanted to be sneaky and artistic! Aside from that minor detail. Its a beginning.

I did enjoy it, basically. The scenes of confrontation could have used more dialogue, heated exchanges.

If this were to go into a re-write, this could be a damn enjoyable fic. Make Nabiki a key to the success to the marriage in exchange for certain favors (non-lemon!) . Attempts to break up the marriage could be thwarted by Nabs' cunning.

I give it a C ... A little to OOC IMO, but the potential certainly is their. Is my bias showing??

{SD-Frank}: "That's it for this time..and remember..1 out of every 10 people would use a horrible tasting, unpopular soft drink to kill someone!"

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