
Vital Statistics

Name: Rink
Age: 16
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Black
First Appearance (Anime): None as of yet in the USA
First Appearance (Manga): Vol. 29 (Japanese)
Love Interest: None
Loved by: None
Rivals/Opponents: Ranma, Shampoo

Profile: Rink is one half of a set of twin sisters which were from another village next to Shampoo's in China. Shampoo was a regular visitor to that village whenever she had to run errands. LIke her sister, she specializes in plants and magical seeds.

In the past, Rink was the nicer of the two sisters, healing those people who were ambushed by her sister Pink's tricks, especially concerning her attacks on Shampoo. Pink used to plant her magical seeds on Shampoo, and water them, causing the seeds to instantly grow into humanoid-type plants which would attack Shampoo. Rink would eventually come along and heal Shampo, feeling sympathy toward her, but Shampoo would somehow mistake Rink for Pink, beating Rink up when she was so well-intentioned. Rink eventually was angered by this, and like her sister, traveled to Japan to take revenge on Shampoo.

Seeking revenge for getting beaten up, Pink and Rink eventually find Shampoo when their village paper talks of Shampoo's "happy" engagement to Ranma, placing down the address for the Tendo dojo in the process. In the ensuing fight between Pink and Rink and Shampoo (who was fighting them because Pink had tried to attack Ranma with her magic seeds, though Rink had healed Ranma and got promptly beatn up for it), both Shampoo and Ranma are captured and kept captive in a garden created by the twins. It is eventually Akane who saves them both, but Pink tries one more thing to gain her revenge on the "husband" of Shampoo, by planting an ultimate seed which grows and attacks Akane and Shampoo, putting them in a deep sleep. Eventually, with Rink's help, Ranma is able to escape from the garden with Akane and Shampoo, who are now cured, and Pink and Rink's plans for revenge are foiled, although they do report to the village paper that Ranma is a weakling, much to the anger of Shampoo.

Personality:Rink is the nicer of the two sisters, and the one who seems to be more sympathetic toward her sister's victims. She uses her knowledge of plants and herbs to cure those hurt by Pink's schemes, but almost always is the one who gets beaten up for her sister's machinations. Though a nice person at heart, Rink is not willing to be pushed by these misaken beatins, and will fight if her pride is hurt or she is unjustifyably treated.

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⌐ 1998 by Frank Sanchez