Ranma 1/2 Anime Synopses, Part V

TV series||OAV series||Anything Goes Martial Arts series||Movies
Hard Battle series||Outta Control series||Manga

Outta Control Series

Immoral Kombat||Headmaster From Hell||My Fiance, The Cat ||The Harder They Fall

Immoral Kombat:
Showdown! Can Ranma Make A Comeback?: Now that Ranma has finally showed true dedication as a martial artist and learned the deadly, but effective, Hiryu Shoten Ha attack, he can now fight Happosai to get back the only cure for his weakness - a chart which shows the exact moxibustion techniques to use in order to cure the moxibustion weakness technique. The secret of the Hiryu Shoten Ha, however, lies in the opponent's hot battle aura, and when Happosai demonstrates his awareness of the technique by staying calm and cool, even in the face of Ranma's intense taunting and cruel actions against him, Rnama doesn't seem to have a prayer. It seems that Ranma is going to have to use a different type of heat from the old perverted martial arts master to get the power necesssary to use the Hiryu Shoten Ha, and it's not going to be from the heat of battle! Even if he does defeat Happosai, however, Ranma's got to make sure the chart stays intact, without being destroyed. And that's where Akane decides to step in and take the initiative...
Here Comes Ranma's Mom: A mysterious woman shows up at the Tendo Dojo, and seems to know Ranma very well. Genma, in the face of all this, is nervous and unwilling to divulge any information about the woman, with whom he is quite familiar with. Ranma and the others in the Tendo household are very suspicious, and when Happosai relates a story to them all pinpointing the mystery woman as possibly Ranma's mother, Ranma is left with mixed feelings on confronting his supposed mother for the first time. However, it soon becomes clear that it's not just Ranma who has his mother on his mind, as seemingly every one of his rivals and/or fiancees shows up in order to talk to Ranma about the situation. Happosai even decides to help Shampoo, Ukyou, and Kodachi "train" to gain favor from Ranma's mother by putting them to work around the dojo, all the while acting (and dressing) like the "typical" Japanese mother. In the face of all this, a concerned Akane advises Ranma to reconcile the situation with his supposed mother...even if it means having to move out of the Tendo Dojo to live with her...

Headmaster From Hell:
The Hawaiian Headmaster From Hell: The Principal of Furinkan high is back from an extended leave in America's Hawaii, and he's going to do more than give a good "aloha" to his students. Implementing a required code for haircuts and giving out strict demerits for violations, the students of Furinkan (Ranma, Akane and Ukyou included) have to get out of the Principal's ridiculous demands by finding an exemption notice hidden in one of the coconuts in the Principal's office. However, as they will soon find out, the Principal does not have your regular everyday office. Fighting past hair-cutting crabs, beasts, and toys, Ranma must fight his way to the Principal or get a buzzcut he'll regret...
Enter Kuno, the Night Prowling Knight: Kunou's never been able to beat Ranma in a fight, so in order to better fill his new position as the Principal's deputy discipline officer he grudgingly admits to be "trained" by Happosai, of all people. Kunou's "training" just happens to be along the same lines that Genma and Soun got as students, and Kunou is continually beaten into submission by "angry maidens". However, as Ranma will soon find out, there's a method to Happi's madness as the training combined with his special "Elixir of Speed" makes Kunou into a dangerous fighting machine...

My Fiance, the Cat:
Ryoga...Beyond the Pleasure and Pain: This is dubbed a "Special Ryoga Episode" by Viz. Stuck in a mountain cabin with a heavy storm raging outside, Ryouga is alone with his thoughts about Ranma, Akane and the whole situation he's been caught up in. Reliving some of the most prominent moments of his association with Ranma and Akane, including his fateful first fight with Ranma, his "descent into hell" through the Jusenkyo cursed springs, and his meeting of Akane, Ryouga struggles to find an answer to his internal problems. But the answers could leave more questions than solutions...
My Fiance, the Cat: Shampoo returns from a trip to China bearing the Legendary Maomohrin bells - a two bell set which supposedly makes the couple who holds the pair between them destined for one another. Shampoo dumps the larger bell on Ranma, hoping to take him away from Akane - but no one had expected the bell itself to oppose this matchup! Now Ranma, still deathly afraid of cats, must fight the spirit of the Maomohrin bells, a giant Ghost-Cat, in order to save Shampoo from marriage with the feline spirit...

The Harder They Fall:
Ranma Gets Weak!: Ranma's gotten in Happosai's way one to many times in his attempted panty raids of the local neighborhood, and Happosai's so mad about it that he hits Ranma unexpectedly with a magical moxibustion mark - one which will make the user, no matter how strong, into a weakling so inept at fighting that even a little boy can beat him or her up! Now Ranma isn't able to beat up even the bokken-wielding Kunou, and is supposedly helpless against the combined attacks of his bitter enemies, who have all waited for a chance to get Ranma off-guard. A cure is found in the form of a chart portraying the pressure points to undo the effect - but a certain old pervert possesses it, and now Ranma, weak or not, must make a last attempt to tet the object which may be his only hope for a cure...
Eureka!! The Desperate Move of Desperation: Disgraced in defeat because of his weakness, Ranma and Genma leave the Tendo Dojo, taking Ukyou witht hem to the mountains in order to re-train Ranma to get his strength back. Akane is able to follow and find them, just as Cologne steps in to help her "future son-in-law" learn a deadly technique that can be used even by the weakened - the incredible "Hiryu Shoten Ha". Now Ranma must master the crucial steps of the spiraling Hiryu Shoten Ha, as well as learn the secret of using his own opponent's hot chi against them. Without an opponent who won't hold back from killing him, however, Ranma is sunk - until the Eternally Lost Boy shows up as an unexpected ally in Ranma's race to learn the Heaven-Blast of the Dragon...

TV series||OAV series||Anything Goes Martial Arts series||Movies
Hard Battle series||Outta Control series||Manga

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⌐ 1998 by Frank Sanchez