Ranma 1/2 Anime Synopses, Part IV

TV series||OAV series||Anything Goes Martial Arts series||Movies
Hard Battle series||Outta Control series||Manga

Ranma 1/2 Movie Series

Big Trouble in Nekonron, China||Nihao my Concubine

Big Trouble in Nekonron, China - Ranma 1/2 movie I: Akane accidentally gets a scroll from a Chinese girl upset with Happosai. The scroll, given to her by Happosai, was supposed to bring a prince to marry the bearer. Unfortunately, the scroll picks the time to work when Akane has it. And now that prince, Kirin, has kidnapped Akane, and plans to marry her! Ranma and co., along with Lai-chee, the Chinese girl and original owner of the scroll, must go to his castle in China to get her back, but first they've got to get past Kirin's warriors of the "Seven Lucky Gods" Martial Arts School....

Nihao my Concubine - Ranma 1/2 movie II: Second Ranma 1/2 movie. The cast gets stuck on a deserted island after Kuno's new boat takes a plunge. The females of the cast are slowly kidnapped one by one, and it is up to Ranma and the rest to go to Togenkyo, (an island where the prince, Toma, is collecting girls to select one as his bride...) and rescue the kidnapped females....even if it means Ranma has to wear a dress and walk in high heels!

Ranma Group Pic 1

Hard Battle Series

Back to the Happosai||Da Doo Ling-Ling, Lung-Lung||Dharma Chameleon||Dim Sum Darling||Melancholy Baby||Mirror, Mirror||Once Upon a Time in Jusenkyo||Pretty Womanhood||Soap Gets In Your Eyes||Smells Like Evil Spirit||Suddenly Sasuke||Ukyo Can Cook

Back to the Happosai:
Back To The Happosai!: When Cologne and Shampoo happen to be rummaging through Happosai's old stuff one day, they find a magic mirror which reveals the past of whoever's tears fall on it. And when Happosai happens to be the one to be transported back in time to his past, the real origin of his attitudes today and his relationship with Cologne is revealed...
Kodachi the Black Rose! The Beeline to True Love!: Despite all the action that the Tendo dojo has seen as of late, it appears that Soun is running low on money. With no paying students coming to the dojo to be trained in the Anything-Goes style, Soun is on the verge of financial ruin. Kodachi happens to overhear this, and when she shows up on the Tendo's doorstep, she says that with her incredible wealth of money she can help the Tendos out of their predicament...under the condition that Ranma becomes hers! Now the Tendo household must decide if they want to preserve the Ranma/Akane engagement, bu go broke, or yield to Kodachi's wishes, but still be financially stable. In this case (especailly for Ranma), the cure may be worse than the sickness...

Da Doo Ling-Ling, Lung-Lung:
The Last Days of Happosai!: Akane's new friend Miyo has been supposedly flawless with her tarot cards so far, claiming that she can tell the future of anyone who sits down to have their cards read. So far she's been right - and when a skeptical Akane sits down to have her cards read, Miyo predicts that by the end of the week, Akane and Ranma are going to be married! On top of that, Miyo happens to find out that Happosai is going to be instrumental in fulfilling this prophecy. The only thing that seems puzzling, though, is the highly negative reading that Happosai gets, and when the old pervert falls deathly ill, the events for fulfilling Miyo's reading begin to come to pass...
Two Too-Violent Girls: Ling-Ling and Lung-Lung: Shampoo's amazon sisters, Ling-Ling and Lung-Lung, show up in order to hear the story of how "big sister Shampoo" killed the enemy she left to seek - female Ranma. As we all know, however, Shampoo had to spare the pig-tailed martial artist because of the unique circumstances surrounding him/her and Amazon law. Shampoo is at a loss of words as to how to describe the situation to her sisters, and when they find out that girl-Ranma is still alive, they disown Shampoo and attack her! Now Ranma has to somehow defeat the two little Amazon sisters and convince them at the same time that he has a reason for being alive...

Dharma Chameleon:
I Love You, My Dear, Dear Ukyo!: Meet Tsubasa Kurenai, the master of blending in with the environment, and Ukyou's loving suitor. The only problem is that Tsubasa looks like a girl! At Ukyou's old school, when she was posing as a boy, Tsubasa fell in love with her and showered her with gifts, forcing Ukyou to leave and to make Tsubasa think "he" was engaged to female Ranma. Now, Tsubasa has caught up with Ranma and Ukyou, and challenges female Ranma to a cuteness contest to see who has the right to pursue the okonomiyaki chef. It's bad enough that Ranma almost loses the contest, bu it gets even worse when Tsubasa starts pursuing her, Ukyou, and Akane! Ranma devises a way to get Tsubasa's affection's away from her by turning male...but little does Ranma know that Tsubasa's got a big problem with men, for reasons unknown....
Japanese Ghost Story! The Witch Who Loved Me!: Reports of a certain "underwear thief" (aka Happosai) in the neighborhood forces the local council to elect Soun as its new chairman to deal with the problem. Soun, along with Genma, Ranma, and Akane, have to find a way to stop Happosai's panty-pilfering before the people find out where his little "base of operations" is! Things get worse when a prized bra holding a vengeful woman's spirit gets put on display in the area, and Happosai steals it before anyone can stop him! Now Ranma and co. have to contain the spirit before it exacts its vengeance on all of them....

Dim Sum Darling:
Sneeze Me! Squeeze Me! Please Me! Shampoo's Recipe For Disaster!: Shampoo's willing to do almost anything to get Ranma to love her, and in an attempt to do so she uses some magic mushrooms whose hypnotic effect causes the eater to be subject to hypnotic reaction through a certain sign. Shampoo gets Ranma to eat the mushrooms, but then happens to sneeze at a bad time. This causes Ranma, whenever someone sneezes, to immediately glomp onto whoever is nearby. And to make matters even more complicated, Akane just happens to havbe a little bit of a cold...
Rub-A-Dub-Dub! There's A Pervert In The Tub!: Soun, Genma, and Ranma have finally found a way to defeat their perverted master Happosai. All they have to do is get their hands on a scroll Happi buried long ago that contained the instructions to his deadly "Happo Daikarin" or "Fire Burst" technique, before Happi does! Unfortunately for all of them, though, the actual scroll just happens to be buried under a females-only hot spring...

Melancholy Baby:
All It Takes Is One! The Kiss of Love Is The Kiss of Death!: On vacation at the beach, Rnama and co. plan to take some time off from the craziness at the Tendo Dojo. But things quickly turn off that track of though, as Happosai steals a love bracelet containg three love pills of varying effectiveness, an ancient Amazon treasure once onwed by Cologne. Now Cologne, Ranma, and the others have to find Happi and force him to give back the love pills before he wreaks havoc on the beach with them...
The Ultimate Team-Up!? The Ryoga/Mousse Alliance!: Ryouga and Mousse both have their reasons for hating Ranma - Ryouga because Ranma has Akane, indirectly caused his curse, and generally is not able to defeat him, and Mousse because Ranma has Shampoo's love, also got cursed because of him, and his continued failures against the pig-tailed martial artists. In an unexpected teamup, Ryouga and Mousse join forces to defeat Ranma, whcih can only bode ill for the sex-changing martist...

Mirror, Mirror:
Ukyo's Skirt! The Great Girly-Girl Gambit!: Ukyou's sad because Ranma doesn't seem to notice her femininity at all. He treats her like "one of the guys", and Ukyou's attempts to show him she loves him go unheard. In an attempt to get Ranma to notice her, Ukyou begins wearing feminine clothes and tries to act more like a girl. Little does she know that she's going to set off a heated cooking battle between Ranma's multiple fiancees, with Ranma as the prize...
Ranma Goes Back To Jusenkyo At Last!: Ranma's been having bad dreams about losing the chance to get to Jusenkyo lately, so he and Genma steal Happosai's magic mirror to attempt to go back in time before they fell into Jusenkyo. With Happosai in tow, the two must now stop themselves from getting to Jusenkyo and making the mistake of training high above the cursed springs. However, as they will find out, it's tougher to change history than you think...

Once Upon a Time in Jusenkyo:
Transform! Akane, The Super-Duper Girl!: Akane unknowingly eats a bunch of super soba noodles which give her super strength, which she uses to attempt to win the Anything-Goes Table Tennis tournament. Akane's gotta get past a certain Chinese Amazon first, though. Meanwhile, Ranma must get Akane to take the antidote before the side effects take place...
The Killer of Jusenkyo: Kinnii, a swordsman from the Jusekyo Secret Preservation society, is told to gather up all the Jusenkyo cursed people for violation of rules, and manages to round up Shampoo, Mousse, Ryouga, and Genma in one day. Unfortunately when he gets around to capturing Ranma, everyone finds out that Kinnii has a Jusenkyo curse of his own...

Pretty Womanhood:
Am I... Pretty!? Ranma's Declaration of Womanhood!: A blow on the head has Ranma thinking he's really a girl and not a boy. It's bad enough that "she" wants Akane to take her shopping for lingerie (in guy-form, no less) and become a bride, but now she says she doesn't want to carry on the Anything-Goes School. Akane and the Tendos have to help jog his memory, or else!
Final Facedown! Happosai vs. The Invisible Man: Genma and Soun plot to finish off their master Happosai once and for all by using secret ninja tricks. Now if they could stop running away and sucking up to him... Meanwhile, Ranma and Akane try to take things into their own hands with their own plan to take out the panty-stealing pervert.

Suddenly Sasuke:
Les Miserables in the Kuno Estate: Kunou's gotten so sick of Sasuke's repeated failures, and after a particularly intense exchange of words between the two, Sasuke decides to run away from the Kunou household and find another way to earn his keep in Nerima. Akane, who happens to bump into the former servant to the house of Kunou, encourages this new turn of events and Sasuke is determined to start a new life free of Kunou. The real question, though is whether either Kunou and Sasuke of them can survive without each other...
Ghost Story! Ranma and the Magic Sword!: A supposed ghost spirit haunts the halls of Furinkan High School, and Ranma and co. decide to get to the bottom of things by investigating the school as it is deserted. In order that the dojo "gets good business", Genma and Soun come along as well, and Ukyou also tags along for busness reasons. Together, the group enters the school, determined to find out exactly who or what has been behind the strange occurances at Furinkan...

Soap Gets in Your Eyes:
Ryoga's Miracle Cure! Hand Over That Soap!: A possible cure for the Jusenkyo curse is found by Shampoo - magic soap. This soap, when used in the bath, makes you supposedly immune to morphing into your cursed form when hit with cold water! Ryouga accidentally happens upon it, though, and when he finds out about its amazing effects he vows never to let the soap go. Now Shampoo and Ranma have to team up and get the soap back...even if it means setting Ryouga and Akane up on a date...
Fight! The Anything-Goes Obstacle Course Race!: There's a contest going on in town - the Anything-Goes Obstacle race. First prize for the winner happens to be a plane ticket to China, so of course Ranma enters the contest to be able to find a cure for his curse. However, when Ranma gets there, everyone else seems to have entered as well, from Happosai, to Ryouga, to the Kunos, and even Shampoo and Mousse! The gang all has to avoid spiked rolling pins, dangerous animals, and each other in order to win the race. And when it comes down to just Ranma and Ryouga, only one of them can win...

Smells Like Evil Spirit:
Ranma and the Evil Within: Ranma seems to be finding out the many uses of being able to change into a girl, and when he off-handedly says that he sometimes wishes that he could stay as a girl, Happosai springs into sction. Using an age old evil incense, Happosai manages to actually split Ranma into two people (one being his boy side and one being his girl side). Happosai and the other members of the Tendo household, however, are just about to find out how evil Ranma's girl side can really be, and when the evil manifestation of Ranma's girl side decides to take the male Ranma for a husband, Akane and the others must find a way to break the controlling spell before Ranma becomes a slave to his evil girl side forever...
Enter Ken and His Copycat Kerchief!: It appears that there's a mysterious martial artist in town who's been going around stealing the moves of the local fighters and using them against their original owners! Copycat Ken's ability to not only copy the moves of other martial artists (like Ryoga, Kuno, Mousse, and even Happosai), but take their forms as well poses Ranma's biggest challenge yet. And when Ranma is beaten by Copycat Ken through his own "Chestnut Fist" move, Ranma has to find a way to defeat Copycat Ken for good and prevent him from wreaking havoc in Nerima...

Ukyo Can Cook:
Ranma Gains Yet Another Suitor: A person from Ranma's past manifests itself in the form of Ukyou Kuonji, okonomiyaki chef extraordianaire, and the sworn enemy of Ranma! It seems that a long time ago, Ukyou was left behind by Genma, despite having bargained with Ukyou's father to get their okonomiyaki cart. Ukyou was supposed to be part of the deal, but Genma heartlessly left her behind. Now Ukyou has sworn revenge on Genma and Ranma, and when the young chef challnges Ranma to a fight, Ranma's got his hands full stopping Ukyou's flurry of attacks. Little does Ranma know that there's more to Ukyou than meets the eye....
Ryoga and Akane: 2-Gether, 4-Ever!: Ukyou knows that the only way to get her darling "Ran-chan" all to herself is to get Akane out of the way. Knowing Ryouga's obvious feelings for the short-haired girl, Ukyou cleverly sets up a date between Akane and Ryouga, hoping to leave Ranma free for the taking. However, she never counts the fact that Ranma has no intention of allowing Akane to date someone else, or that a moonlight boat ride for the four on a _cold_ lake would cause so much trouble...

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⌐ 1997 by Frank Sanchez